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Meanings of Rager:


A person or thing that rages.

Usage examples:

The coach is a considerably different character to his predecessors, the rationalist rather than th…

Meanings of Rages:


Violent uncontrollable anger.

Usage examples:

Her face was distorted with rage

Feel or express violent uncontrollable anger.

Usage examples:

He raged at the futility of it all

Meanings of Ragfish:


A large fish of the north pacific, the bones of which are mostly cartilaginous, causing the body to feel limp when held.

Meanings of Ragfishes:


A large fish of the north pacific, the bones of which are mostly cartilaginous, causing the body to feel limp when held.

Meanings of Ragged:


(of cloth or clothes) old and torn.

Usage examples:

A rough-looking man wearing ragged clothes

Give a decorative effect to (a painted surface) by applying paint, typically of a different colour, with a rag.

Usage examples:

The background walls have been stippled above the dado rail and ragged below

Meanings of Raggedly:


Wearing clothes that are torn and not in good condition

Usage examples:

She did not notice the raggedly dressed woman who was crossing the road towards her., the material …

Meanings of Raggedness:


The quality of not being very good, as a result of not being well organized

Usage examples:

Thursday's show was not without some raggedness., its very sloppiness and raggedness made it very e…

Meanings of Raggedy:


Scruffy; shabby.

Usage examples:

An old raggedy woman with her uncombed cat

Meanings of Ragging:


Give a decorative effect to (a painted surface) by applying paint, typically of a different colour, with a rag.

Usage examples:

The background walls have been stippled above the dado rail and ragged below

A piece of old cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece, used typically for cleaning things.

Usage examples:

He wiped his hands on an oily rag

Meanings of Raggle:


A groove cut in stone, especially on a wall to receive a sheet of glass, lead, the edge of a roof, etc.

Meanings of Raggles:


A groove cut in stone, especially on a wall to receive a sheet of glass, lead, the edge of a roof, etc.

Meanings of Raggy:



Usage examples:

His raggy clothes

Meanings of Ragi:


Another term for finger millet (see millet).

Meanings of Raging:


Showing rage.

Usage examples:

A raging bull

Feel or express violent uncontrollable anger.

Usage examples:

He raged at the futility of it all

Meanings of Ragingly:


In a raging manner; vehemently, furiously.

Meanings of Raglan:


Having or denoting sleeves that continue in one piece up to the neck of a garment, without a shoulder seam.

Usage examples:

Raglan sleeves

An overcoat with raglan sleeves.

Usage examples:

The ribbed raglan that i am making is progressing, but since it's a winter sweater there is not muc…

Meanings of Raglans:


An overcoat with raglan sleeves.

Usage examples:

The ribbed raglan that i am making is progressing, but since it's a winter sweater there is not muc…

Having or denoting sleeves that continue in one piece up to the neck of a garment, without a shoulder seam.

Usage examples:

Raglan sleeves

Meanings of Raglet:


= raggle .

Meanings of Raglin:


= raggle .

Meanings of Ragman:


A person who collects or deals in rags, old clothes, and other items.

Usage examples:

I remember my mother just catching me before i handed my sunday coat to the ragman and before someo…

Meanings of Ragmen:


A person who collects or deals in rags, old clothes, and other items.

Usage examples:

I remember my mother just catching me before i handed my sunday coat to the ragman and before someo…

Meanings of Ragnarok:

proper noun

The final battle between the gods and the powers of evil, the scandinavian equivalent of the götterdämmerung.

Usage examples:

The tree of life with two birds warning of ragnarök is clearly seen.

Meanings of Ragout:


A highly seasoned dish of small pieces of meat stewed with vegetables.

Usage examples:

A ragout of duck braised in red wine

Meanings of Ragouts:


A highly seasoned dish of small pieces of meat stewed with vegetables.

Usage examples:

A ragout of duck braised in red wine

Meanings of Ragpicker:


A person who collects and sells rags.

Usage examples:

His father still works as a ragpicker, pushing his handcart around the city streets, collecting scr…

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