All English words - page 4643
Meanings of Quadrilaterals:
nounA four-sided figure.
Usage examples:
Cut an 8x8 chessboard into two triangles and two quadrilaterals.
adjectiveHaving four straight sides.
Usage examples:
The bilobate living area has quadrilateral contours and is partly flanked by some horizontal logs a…
Meanings of Quadrilingual:
adjectiveWritten, printed, etc., in four languages; using or able to use four languages.
Meanings of Quadriliteral:
adjectiveOf a word: consisting of four letters. of a semitic root: having four consonants.
nounA word of four letters; a semitic root containing four consonants (instead of the usual three).
Meanings of Quadrille:
nounA square dance performed typically by four couples and containing five figures, each of which is a complete dance in itself.
Usage examples:
Working with the steps of formal quadrilles and folk dances, st lucians developed different kinds o…
Meanings of Quadrilled:
adjectiveMarked with a grid of small squares; having a pattern composed of small squares.
Meanings of Quadrilles:
nounA square dance performed typically by four couples and containing five figures, each of which is a complete dance in itself.
Usage examples:
Working with the steps of formal quadrilles and folk dances, st lucians developed different kinds o…
Meanings of Quadrillion:
numberA thousand raised to the power of five (1015).
cardinal numberA thousand raised to the power of five (10¹⁵).
Usage examples:
The lesson continues this way up until the quadrillions.
Meanings of Quadrillions:
numberA thousand raised to the power of five (1015).
cardinal numberA thousand raised to the power of five (10¹⁵).
Usage examples:
The lesson continues this way up until the quadrillions.
Meanings of Quadrilobate:
adjectiveHaving or consisting of four lobes.
Meanings of Quadrilocular:
adjectiveHaving four loculi or compartments.
Meanings of Quadrilogue:
nounA dialogue or conversation involving four persons. formerly also: †an account by four persons (obsolete). compare "dialogue", "trialogue", etc.
Meanings of Quadrilogy:
nounA literary or artistic work consisting of four parts; a series or group of four related works; a tetralogy.
Meanings of Quadrimembral:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or having four members or parts; (now) specifically having or involving all four limbs.
Meanings of Quadrinomial:
adjectiveHaving or using four names; (mathematics) consisting of four algebraic terms joined by signs of addition or subtraction.
nounA quadrinomial expression.
Meanings of Quadrinominal:
adjectiveConsisting of four terms or names.
nounA four-part latin name of an organism.
Meanings of Quadriparous:
adjectiveHaving given birth to four offspring; (of a bird) laying four eggs in a clutch (rare).
Meanings of Quadripartite:
adjectiveConsisting of four parts.
Usage examples:
A simple quadripartite vault
Meanings of Quadripinnate:
adjective(of a compound leaf or frond) having tertiary leaflets or pinnae which are further divided, as in certain ferns; quadruply pinnate.
Meanings of Quadriplanar:
adjectiveInvolving four planes; specifically designating a system of homogeneous coordinates in which a point is defined by its distances from four fixed planes.
Meanings of Quadriplegia:
nounParalysis of all four limbs; tetraplegia.
Usage examples:
Paralysis can involve all four extremities, a condition called quadriplegia or tetraplegia, or only…
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