All English words - page 4635
Meanings of Pyxidate:
adjectiveBox-like, having a lid; having the form of a pyxidium.
Meanings of Pyxides:
nounA small box or casket.
proper nounA small and inconspicuous southern constellation (the compass box or mariner's compass), lying in the milky way between vela and puppis.
adjectiveUsed with preceding greek letter or numeral to designate a star in the constellation pyxis.
Usage examples:
The star alpha pyxidis
Meanings of Pyxidia:
nounA seed capsule that splits open so that the top comes off like the lid of a box.
Meanings of Pyxidium:
nounA seed capsule that splits open so that the top comes off like the lid of a box.
Meanings of Pyxie:
nounIn full "pyxie moss". a prostrate, mosslike evergreen shrub, pyxidanthera barbulata (family diapensiaceae), which bears numerous tiny white or pink flowers and is found in the pine barrens of new jersey and the carolinas.
Meanings of Pyxies:
nounIn full "pyxie moss". a prostrate, mosslike evergreen shrub, pyxidanthera barbulata (family diapensiaceae), which bears numerous tiny white or pink flowers and is found in the pine barrens of new jersey and the carolinas.
Meanings of Pyxis:
nounA small box or casket.
proper nounA small and inconspicuous southern constellation (the compass box or mariner's compass), lying in the milky way between vela and puppis.
adjectiveUsed with preceding greek letter or numeral to designate a star in the constellation pyxis.
Usage examples:
The star alpha pyxidis
kjuːMeanings of Q:
nounThe seventeenth letter of the alphabet.
Usage examples:
I encountered some difficulty when required to pronounce the letter q.
abbreviationQuarter (used to refer to a specified quarter of the financial year).
Usage examples:
We expect to have an exceptional q4
Electric charge.
Meanings of Qadi:
noun(in islamic countries) a judge.
Usage examples:
Customary law and muslim law are carried out by the cadis in matters of personal rights and inherit…
kəˈnɑːtMeanings of Qanat:
noun(in the middle east) a gently sloping underground channel or tunnel constructed to lead water from the interior of a hill to a village below.
Usage examples:
Any failure of the qanats could lead to the death of the entire village.
Meanings of Qanats:
noun(in the middle east) a gently sloping underground channel or tunnel constructed to lead water from the interior of a hill to a village below.
Usage examples:
Any failure of the qanats could lead to the death of the entire village.
Meanings of Qasida:
nounA classical arabic or persian monorhyme poem in uniform metre, consisting of ten or more distichs set in a usually tripartite episodic structure, frequently with a panegyric or elegiac theme.
Meanings of Qasidas:
nounA classical arabic or persian monorhyme poem in uniform metre, consisting of ten or more distichs set in a usually tripartite episodic structure, frequently with a panegyric or elegiac theme.
Meanings of Qat:
nounThe leaves of an arabian shrub, which are chewed (or drunk as an infusion) as a stimulant.
Usage examples:
Knowledgeable users maintain that chewing khat has more in common with coffee than cocaine.
Meanings of Qatar:
proper nounA sheikhdom occupying a peninsula on the west coast of the persian gulf; population 2,200,000 (estimated 2015); official language, arabic; capital, doha. the country was a british protectorate from 1916 until 1971, when it became a sovereign independent state. oil is the chief source of revenue.
nounA country in western asia
Meanings of Qats:
nounThe leaves of an arabian shrub, which are chewed (or drunk as an infusion) as a stimulant.
Usage examples:
Knowledgeable users maintain that chewing khat has more in common with coffee than cocaine.
ˌkjuːˈsiːMeanings of Qc:
nounAbbreviation for quality control
Usage examples:
Helena kennedy qc, an eminent qc
Meanings of Qe:
abbreviationQuantitative easing.
Usage examples:
This is because qe should lead to a fall in gilt yields, which in turn will force down the rate at …
Meanings of Qed:
abbreviationQuantum electrodynamics.
exclamationUsed to convey that a fact or situation demonstrates the truth of one's theory or claim, especially to mark the conclusion of a formal proof.
Meanings of Qiana:
nounA nylon fibre used for fabrics; a synthetic fabric with a silky texture made of this fibre.
adjectiveConsisting or made of qiana.
ˈkɪbləMeanings of Qibla:
nounThe direction of the kaaba (the sacred building at mecca), to which muslims turn at prayer.
Usage examples:
But for a muslim who is thousands of miles from mecca, finding the right direction to pray - the qi…
Meanings of Qindar:
nounA former monetary unit of albania, equivalent to one-hundredth of a gold franc. in later use also: = "qindarka".
Meanings of Qindarka:
nounA monetary unit of albania, equal to one hundredth of a lek.
Usage examples:
Among the people of the scripture is he who, if entrusted with a qintar (a great amount of wealth),…
Meanings of Qindars:
nounA former monetary unit of albania, equivalent to one-hundredth of a gold franc. in later use also: = "qindarka".
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