All English words - page 4626
adverbGenerally thought or claimed to be a certain way, although it may not be
Usage examples:
Complaints will be reviewed by a putatively independent panel., the film is a putatively heartwarmi…
nounA basket scored immediately after recovering a missed shot.
Usage examples:
He took the rebound for a quick putback as the buzzer sounded
nounOn the river severn and its tributaries: a funnel-shaped basket or wicker trap for catching salmon or eels.
nounCostus, the fragrant root of the kashmiri plant saussurea costus (family asteraceae (compositae)), used in perfumery and (formerly) as a medicinal agent.
nounA remark intended to humiliate or criticize someone.
Usage examples:
A clever put-down of tory supporters
phrasal verbTo record someone in a particular way
Usage examples:
Put down my sister as agreeing with the democrats., lauren accidentally put me down for five boxes …
nounA remark intended to humiliate or criticize someone.
Usage examples:
A clever put-down of tory supporters
nounA stone curb surrounding the mouth of a well, often decorated with figures depicting mythological scenes; (occasionally) a small building or structure housing a well.
adjectiveIn early use: of or relating to a well or pit. in later use (classical architecture): of or relating to a puteal.
adjectiveHumid, sultry, close; stifling.
adjectiveMorally or intellectually corrupt or worthless; base, foul, loathsome; = "putrid".
nounA short horizontal pole projecting from a wall, on which scaffold floorboards rest.
Usage examples:
Use independent scaffolding to avoid putlog holes and other breaks in coatings.
nounA short horizontal pole projecting from a wall, on which scaffold floorboards rest.
Usage examples:
Use independent scaffolding to avoid putlog holes and other breaks in coatings.
nounA short horizontal pole projecting from a wall, on which scaffold floorboards rest.
Usage examples:
Use independent scaffolding to avoid putlog holes and other breaks in coatings.
nounAn agent or substance that causes putrefaction.
nounThe process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter.
Usage examples:
The breeze shifted and we caught the stench of putrefaction
adjectiveRelating to or causing decay.
Usage examples:
They were killed by the putrefactive bacteria
adjectiveCapable of undergoing putrefaction; = "putrescible".
verb(of a body or other organic matter) decay or rot and produce a fetid smell.
Usage examples:
The body was beginning to putrefy
nounAn agent or substance which causes putrefaction. also figurative: a corrupting agent or influence.
verb(of a body or other organic matter) decay or rot and produce a fetid smell.
Usage examples:
The body was beginning to putrefy
verb(of a body or other organic matter) decay or rot and produce a fetid smell.
Usage examples:
The body was beginning to putrefy
verb(of a body or other organic matter) decay or rot and produce a fetid smell.
Usage examples:
The body was beginning to putrefy
adjectiveUndergoing the process of decay; rotting.
Usage examples:
The odour of putrescent flesh
nounThe quality of being putrescible.
adjectiveLiable to decay; subject to putrefaction.
Usage examples:
Putrescible domestic waste
nounSomething that is liable to decay.
adjective(of organic matter) decaying or rotting and emitting a fetid smell.
Usage examples:
A butcher who sold putrid meat
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