All English words - page 457
nounThe reciprocal provision of help or support, typically in an underhand or illicit manner.
Usage examples:
The friendship thrives on little more than mutual backscratching
nounA seat at the back of a vehicle.
nounA passenger in a car who gives the driver unwanted advice.
Usage examples:
I'm a terrible back-seat driver
nounA seat at the back of a vehicle.
noun(in parts of asia and north africa) a small sum of money given as a tip, bribe, or charitable donation.
Usage examples:
The children smiled back and asked for baksheesh
nounThe changing of a present tense in direct speech to a past tense in reported speech (or a past tense to pluperfect).
Usage examples:
We now have fine tuned our secondary set-up and have a solid backshift in all conditions.
nounA person's buttocks.
Usage examples:
The old woman boasts that they would change their minds if only they got a look at her backside bec…
adjective(of a manoeuvre in surfing and other board sports) done clockwise for a regular rider and anticlockwise for a goofy rider.
Usage examples:
Next would be big backside floaters or under the lip lay back snaps.
nounA person's buttocks.
Usage examples:
The old woman boasts that they would change their minds if only they got a look at her backside bec…
adjective(of a manoeuvre in surfing and other board sports) done clockwise for a regular rider and anticlockwise for a goofy rider.
Usage examples:
Next would be big backside floaters or under the lip lay back snaps.
nounThe sight of a rifle or other weapon that is nearer the eye of the person aiming.
Usage examples:
The first m91 / 30 rifles therefore, used the curved backsights of the old dragoon rifles.
nounThe action of slapping a person's back in congratulation or encouragement.
Usage examples:
This character would offer solutions to a problem, no one would respond, then a man would come up, …
adjectiveVigorously hearty.
Usage examples:
Those cheerful, backslapping journalists
nounA backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used in some computer commands.
Usage examples:
You can type the command as one long line without the backslashes or use them to break up a long pi…
nounA backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used in some computer commands.
Usage examples:
You can type the command as one long line without the backslashes or use them to break up a long pi…
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Usage examples:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Usage examples:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Usage examples:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Usage examples:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
nounThe action of relapsing into bad ways or error.
Usage examples:
One of the best ways to avoid backsliding into destructive habits is to join a support group
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Usage examples:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Usage examples:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Usage examples:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Usage examples:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Usage examples:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Usage examples:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Usage examples:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Usage examples:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Usage examples:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Usage examples:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Usage examples:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
nounA backward spin given to a moving ball, causing it to stop more quickly or rebound at a steeper angle on hitting a surface.
Usage examples:
They went straight at the hole, catching the ball cleanly and counting on backspin to stop the ball…
nounA backward spin given to a moving ball, causing it to stop more quickly or rebound at a steeper angle on hitting a surface.
Usage examples:
They went straight at the hole, catching the ball cleanly and counting on backspin to stop the ball…
nounSomeone who says harmful things about you when you are not there to defend yourself
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