All English words - page 4548
Meanings of Provirus:
nounThe genetic material of a virus as incorporated into, and able to replicate with, the genome of a host cell.
Usage examples:
Herv-w proviruses probably entered the genome of primates before the split between old world and ne…
Meanings of Proviruses:
nounThe genetic material of a virus as incorporated into, and able to replicate with, the genome of a host cell.
Usage examples:
Herv-w proviruses probably entered the genome of primates before the split between old world and ne…
Meanings of Provision:
nounThe action of providing or supplying something for use.
Usage examples:
New contracts for the provision of services
verbSupply with food, drink, or equipment, especially for a journey.
Usage examples:
Civilian contractors were responsible for provisioning these armies
Meanings of Provisional:
adjectiveArranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later.
Usage examples:
Provisional bookings
nounA provisional stamp.
Usage examples:
The new orleans 5c provisionals are the most common of the csa provisional stamps and the ones most…
Meanings of Provisionally:
adverbSubject to further confirmation; for the time being.
Usage examples:
The film, provisionally entitled skin, is due to be released next year
Meanings of Provisionary:
adjectiveArranged or existing for the present; provisional.
Usage examples:
A provisionary party member
Meanings of Provisioned:
verbSupply with food, drink, or equipment, especially for a journey.
Usage examples:
Civilian contractors were responsible for provisioning these armies
nounThe action of providing or supplying something for use.
Usage examples:
New contracts for the provision of services
Meanings of Provisioning:
verbSupply with food, drink, or equipment, especially for a journey.
Usage examples:
Civilian contractors were responsible for provisioning these armies
nounThe action of providing or supplying something for use.
Usage examples:
New contracts for the provision of services
Meanings of Provisions:
nounThe action of providing or supplying something for use.
Usage examples:
New contracts for the provision of services
verbSupply with food, drink, or equipment, especially for a journey.
Usage examples:
Civilian contractors were responsible for provisioning these armies
Meanings of Proviso:
nounA condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement.
Usage examples:
He let his house with the proviso that his own staff should remain to run it
Meanings of Provisor:
noun(in the roman catholic church) a deputy of a bishop or archbishop.
Usage examples:
When it is said that the outside vicars depend immediately on the vicars-general or provisors, one …
Meanings of Provisorship:
nounThe office or position of a provisor.
Meanings of Provisory:
adjectiveSubject to a proviso; conditional.
Usage examples:
The company also was loaned $409000 from iibi in the form of a provisory note to cover the company'…
Meanings of Provisos:
nounA condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement.
Usage examples:
He let his house with the proviso that his own staff should remain to run it
Meanings of Provitamin:
nounA substance which is converted into a vitamin within an organism.
Usage examples:
Beta carotene, a provitamin found in plants and their pigments, is a benign source of vitamin a and…
Meanings of Provocant:
nounA person or thing which provokes, incites, or stimulates (a person, a reaction, etc.).
Meanings of Provocateur:
nounA person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal, usually so that they can be arrested
Usage examples:
Was she a true progressive, or a provocateur working undercover?, community leaders worry about far…
prəˌvɒk.əˈtɜːrMeanings of Provocateurs:
nounA person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal, usually so that they can be arrested
Usage examples:
Was she a true progressive, or a provocateur working undercover?, community leaders worry about far…
Meanings of Provocation:
nounAction or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.
Usage examples:
You should remain calm and not respond to provocation
Meanings of Provocations:
nounAction or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.
Usage examples:
You should remain calm and not respond to provocation
Meanings of Provocative:
adjectiveCausing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
Usage examples:
A provocative article
Meanings of Provocatively:
adverbIn a way that causes anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
Usage examples:
She argued provocatively that business owners should put profit before passion
Meanings of Provocator:
nounA person who or thing which provokes; a challenger, instigator, inciter, irritator; (in later use) specifically = "provocateur".
Meanings of Provocatory:
adjectiveCalculated or tending to provoke; = "provocative".
Meanings of Provoke:
verbStimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.
Usage examples:
The decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations
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