All English words - page 4519
Meanings of Pronouncements:
nounA formal or authoritative announcement or declaration.
Usage examples:
Distrust of the pronouncements of politicians was endemic
Meanings of Pronounces:
verbMake the sound of (a word or part of a word) in the correct or a particular way.
Usage examples:
Gerry pronounced the hero's name ‘cahoolin’
prəˈnaʊnsMeanings of Pronouncing:
verbMake the sound of (a word or part of a word) in the correct or a particular way.
Usage examples:
Gerry pronounced the hero's name ‘cahoolin’
Meanings of Pronouns:
nounA word that can function as a noun phrase used by itself and that refers either to the participants in the discourse (e.g. i, you ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g. she, it, this ).
Meanings of Pronto:
adverbPromptly; quickly.
Usage examples:
Put it in the refrigerator, pronto
Meanings of Pronuba:
nounA woman chosen to officiate or assist at a marriage ceremony; a matron of honour.
Meanings of Pronubial:
adjectivePresiding over or promoting marriage.
Meanings of Pronuclear:
adjectiveRelating to either of a pair of gametic nuclei, in the stage following meiosis but before their fusion leads to the formation of the nucleus of the zygote.
Usage examples:
Gene modifications via pronuclear injection of mouse embryos
Meanings of Pronuclei:
nounEither of a pair of gametic nuclei, in the stage following meiosis but before their fusion leads to the formation of the nucleus of the zygote.
Usage examples:
In normal fertilisation the formation of male and female pronuclei is an important stage just befor…
Meanings of Pronucleus:
nounEither of a pair of gametic nuclei, in the stage following meiosis but before their fusion leads to the formation of the nucleus of the zygote.
Usage examples:
In normal fertilisation the formation of male and female pronuclei is an important stage just befor…
Meanings of Pronuncial:
adjectiveOf or relating to pronunciation or a pronouncement; pronunciatory.
Meanings of Pronunciamento:
noun(especially in spain and spanish-speaking countries) a political manifesto or proclamation.
Usage examples:
He is the man who ranges across literatures, absorbs religious ideas, swallows whole cultures, happ…
prəˌnʌnsɪəˈmɛntəʊMeanings of Pronunciamentos:
noun(especially in spain and spanish-speaking countries) a political manifesto or proclamation.
Usage examples:
He is the man who ranges across literatures, absorbs religious ideas, swallows whole cultures, happ…
Meanings of Pronunciation:
nounThe way in which a word is pronounced.
Usage examples:
Spelling does not determine pronunciation
Meanings of Pronunciations:
nounThe way in which a word is pronounced.
Usage examples:
Spelling does not determine pronunciation
Meanings of Pronunciative:
adjectiveOf the nature of a pronouncement; declarative; characterized by pronouncement.
Meanings of Pronunciator:
nounA person who pronounces something; especially a person who reads out the words to be spelt in a spelling bee.
Meanings of Pronunciatory:
adjectiveOf the nature of or characterized by pronouncement; of or relating to pronunciation.
Meanings of Pronymph:
nounIn certain holometabolous insects (e.g. sawflies): an individual in a distinct larval or prepupal stage in which larval tissue is broken down and adult tissues begin to be formed within the larval cuticle.
Meanings of Proo:
exclamationUsed as a call to a cow or calf, or to command a horse to stop, stand still, etc.
Meanings of Prooemiac:
adjectiveProemial. chiefly in "prooemiac psalm" noun psalm 104 (septuagint 103), used at the beginning of the eastern orthodox service of vespers.
pruːfMeanings of Proof:
nounEvidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.
Usage examples:
You will be asked to give proof of your identity
adjectiveAble to withstand something damaging; resistant.
Usage examples:
The marine battle armour was proof against most weapons
verbMake (fabric) waterproof.
Usage examples:
If you are using a piece of lightweight canvas it will be necessary to proof the fabric when complete
suffixProtecting against, or not damaged by, a particular thing
Usage examples:
A bullet-proof vest, a waterproof/wind-proof jacket, frost-proof pots for the garden
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