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Meanings of Progressist:


Favouring or characterized by innovation or reform; progressive.


A person who favours or advocates progress, especially in political or social matters; a reformer, a progressive.

Meanings of Progressive:


Happening or developing gradually or in stages.

Usage examples:

A progressive decline in popularity

An advocate of social reform.

Usage examples:

People tend to present themselves either as progressives or traditionalists on this issue

Favoring or promoting modern or innovative ideas

Meanings of Progressively:


Steadily; in stages.

Usage examples:

Symptoms become progressively worse over a period of years

Meanings of Progressives:


An advocate of social reform.

Usage examples:

People tend to present themselves either as progressives or traditionalists on this issue

Happening or developing gradually or in stages.

Usage examples:

A progressive decline in popularity

Glasses with special lenses that let you see things clearly at different distances

Usage examples:

Are those glasses progressives?, your optometrist will make sure that your progressives are well fi…

Meanings of Progressivism:


Support for or advocacy of social reform.

Usage examples:

The country is seen as a bastion of social progressivism

Meanings of Progressivity:


The quality or character of being progressive; progressiveness. chiefly with reference to taxation.

Meanings of Progressor:


A person who progresses or makes progress.

Meanings of Progs:


A television or radio programme.

Usage examples:

I don't watch cookery progs

Relating to or denoting rock music characterized by classical influences, the use of keyboard instruments, and lengthy compositions; progressive.

Usage examples:

One of the most important prog albums of all time

Meanings of Progymnasium:


In some european countries (chiefly parts of germany and switzerland): a school that prepares pupils for the gymnasium or upper school after primary school, sometimes incorporated within the gymnasium itself and regarded as its lower level; (also) a gymnasia not having the top forms which qualify for university entrance (now rare).

Meanings of Progymnosperm:


Originally: a primitive or ancestral gymnosperm. now: specifically any of a group of sporogenous fossil plants having secondary wood resembling that of gymnosperms.

Meanings of Progymnospermous:


Of, relating to, or involving a progymnosperm.

Meanings of Prohibit:


Formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.

Usage examples:

All ivory trafficking between nations is prohibited

Meanings of Prohibited:


That has been forbidden; banned.

Usage examples:

They had deliberately fed prohibited material to their herd

Formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.

Usage examples:

All ivory trafficking between nations is prohibited

Meanings of Prohibiter:


A person or thing that forbids or prevents something.

Usage examples:

I don't see any single prohibitor that would prevent adoption

Meanings of Prohibiting:


Formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.

Usage examples:

All ivory trafficking between nations is prohibited

Meanings of Prohibition:


The action of forbidding something, especially by law.

Usage examples:

They argue that prohibition of drugs will always fail

Meanings of Prohibitionism:


The principles or practice of prohibition; specifically support for or advocacy of the prohibition of alcohol.

Meanings of Prohibitionist:


Someone who supports officially not allowing something, especially the sale of alcohol

Usage examples:

Most people who are trying to tackle problem drinking are not prohibitionists., carrie nation, one …



Meanings of Prohibitionists:


Someone who supports officially not allowing something, especially the sale of alcohol

Usage examples:

Most people who are trying to tackle problem drinking are not prohibitionists., carrie nation, one …

Meanings of Prohibitions:


The action of forbidding something, especially by law.

Usage examples:

They argue that prohibition of drugs will always fail

Meanings of Prohibitive:


(of a law or rule) forbidding or restricting something.

Usage examples:

Prohibitive legislation

Meanings of Prohibitively:


Used to emphasize a cost that is so high as to prevent something being done or bought.

Usage examples:

Most of the products are priced prohibitively

Meanings of Prohibitor:


A person or thing that forbids or prevents something.

Usage examples:

I don't see any single prohibitor that would prevent adoption

Meanings of Prohibitorily:


In a prohibitory way; with prohibitory effect.

Meanings of Prohibitory:


Officially refusing to allow something

Usage examples:

Iowa was the first state to enact a prohibitory liquor law by popular agreement., the language in t…

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