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Meanings of Processable:


Able to be processed (= dealt with) by a computer

Usage examples:

We are attempting to organize the information into an easily processable form., many government age…

Meanings of Processal:


Of or relating to a process (in early use especially a legal process).

Meanings of Processed:


Perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it.

Usage examples:

The salmon is quickly processed after harvest to preserve the flavour

A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Usage examples:

Military operations could jeopardize the peace process

(of food) treated with chemicals that preserve it or give it extra taste or color

Usage examples:

Processed cheese/meat

Meanings of Processer:



Meanings of Processes:


A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Usage examples:

Military operations could jeopardize the peace process

Perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it.

Usage examples:

The salmon is quickly processed after harvest to preserve the flavour

Meanings of Processing:


Perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it.

Usage examples:

The salmon is quickly processed after harvest to preserve the flavour

A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Usage examples:

Military operations could jeopardize the peace process

Meanings of Procession:


A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony.

Usage examples:

A funeral procession

Meanings of Processional:


Relating to or used in a religious or ceremonial procession.

Usage examples:

A processional cross

A book containing litanies and hymns for use in religious processions.

Usage examples:

The structure and content of religious celebrations, processionals, revivals and regular religious …

Meanings of Processionally:


In a processional manner; in procession.

Meanings of Processionals:


A book containing litanies and hymns for use in religious processions.

Usage examples:

The structure and content of religious celebrations, processionals, revivals and regular religious …

Relating to or used in a religious or ceremonial procession.

Usage examples:

A processional cross

Meanings of Processionary:


A greyish moth whose caterpillars live communally in silken tents in trees, marching out at night in procession to feed, causing substantial damage.

Meanings of Processioner:


An office-book used in processions; = "processional".

Meanings of Processioning:


The action of moving in or as in procession; an instance of this.

Meanings of Processions:


A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony.

Usage examples:

A funeral procession

Meanings of Processive:


Having the quality of proceeding or going forward; progressive.

Meanings of Processor:


A machine that processes something.

Usage examples:

The processor overexposed the film

Meanings of Processors:


A machine that processes something.

Usage examples:

The processor overexposed the film

Meanings of Processual:


Relating to or involving the study of processes rather than discrete events.

Usage examples:

Thus, the three-factor model, being processual rather than content based, is conceived to be highly…

Meanings of Processus:



Meanings of Prochlorite:


A mineral now recognized as a ferroan variety of clinochlore.

Meanings of Prochoos:


A jug with a narrow neck and a long spout, perhaps used for pouring water over the hands before meals.

Meanings of Prochordal:


Situated in front of the anterior end of the notochord.

Meanings of Prochromosome:


A mass of densely staining chromosome material that occurs in certain interphase nuclei, often near the centromere of a chromosome.

Meanings of Prochronic:


Relating to a period before time began.

Meanings of Prochronism:


An error in chronology, in which an event is given an earlier date than the true one.

Usage examples:

Sir thomas did not know that the prochronism which he thought absurd pervaded every part of organic…

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