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Meanings of Prodelision:


Elision of the initial vowel of a word.

Meanings of Prodigal:


Spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.

Usage examples:

Prodigal habits die hard

A person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way.

Usage examples:

He hated rich prodigals who lived useless, imprudent lives

Meanings of Prodigalism:


The fact or condition of being a prodigal; prodigal behaviour, reckless extravagance, waywardness.

Meanings of Prodigality:


The quality of spending or using large amounts of money, time, energy, etc., especially in a way that is not very wise

Usage examples:

His travels enhanced his reputation for prodigality., as a novelist, her power springs directly fro…

Meanings of Prodigally:


In a way is very generous with money, time, energy, etc., especially when this is unwise

Usage examples:

How much money have i prodigally spent in vain amusements?, it is a handsomely produced and prodiga…

Meanings of Prodigals:


A person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way.

Usage examples:

He hated rich prodigals who lived useless, imprudent lives

Spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.

Usage examples:

Prodigal habits die hard



Meanings of Prodigies:


A young person with exceptional qualities or abilities.

Usage examples:

A russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day

Meanings of Prodigiosity:


Marvellous ability or talent; an instance of this, a remarkable display.

Meanings of Prodigious:


Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.

Usage examples:

The stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel

Meanings of Prodigiously:


In a way that is extremely great in ability, amount, or strength

Usage examples:

He was a prodigiously gifted artist., young children can learn prodigiously.

Meanings of Prodigy:


A young person with exceptional qualities or abilities.

Usage examples:

A russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day

Meanings of Prodissoconch:


The embryonic shell of a bivalve mollusc.

Meanings of Prodroma:


A symptom or sign that is characteristic or premonitory of the onset of a disease (chiefly in plural). also: a set of such symptoms or signs; the initial, usually non-specific stage of a disease. compare "prodrome", prodromus .

Meanings of Prodromal:


Relating to or denoting the period between the appearance of initial symptoms and the full development of a rash or fever.

Usage examples:

Patients may have a fever in the prodromal period, with or without headache.

Meanings of Prodrome:


An early symptom indicating the onset of a disease or illness.

Usage examples:

Classic outbreaks consist of a skin prodrome and possible constitutional symptoms such as headache,…

Meanings of Prodromes:


An early symptom indicating the onset of a disease or illness.

Usage examples:

Classic outbreaks consist of a skin prodrome and possible constitutional symptoms such as headache,…

Meanings of Prodromus:


A book or treatise which is introductory or preliminary to another, usually larger, work.

Meanings of Prods:


Poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object.

Usage examples:

He prodded her in the ribs

A poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object.

Usage examples:

He gave the wire netting an experimental prod

(especially in ireland) protestant.

Meanings of Produce:


Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.

Usage examples:

The company have just produced a luxury version of the aircraft

Agricultural and other natural products collectively.

Usage examples:

Dairy produce

Meanings of Produceable:


Able to be brought forward or presented to notice or view; that can be produced, especially in a court of law; adducible; obtainable, available.

Meanings of Produced:


Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.

Usage examples:

The company have just produced a luxury version of the aircraft

Agricultural and other natural products collectively.

Usage examples:

Dairy produce

Meanings of Producement:


The fact of producing, or the condition of being produced; production.

Meanings of Producent:


A person who or thing which produces; a producer; (formerly specifically) the party producing a witness or document in the ecclesiastical courts (now historical).

Meanings of Producer:


A person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.

Usage examples:

An oil producer

Meanings of Producers:


A person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.

Usage examples:

An oil producer

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