All English words - page 4480
Meanings of Primula:
nounA plant of a genus that includes primroses, cowslips, and polyanthuses. many kinds are cultivated as ornamentals, bearing flowers in a wide variety of colours in the spring.
Usage examples:
Their favourite was the rose, followed by hellebores, peonies, clematis, magnolias, lilies, euphorb…
Meanings of Primulaceous:
adjectiveRelating to or denoting plants of the primrose family ( primulaceae ).
Meanings of Primulas:
nounA plant of a genus that includes primroses, cowslips, and polyanthuses. many kinds are cultivated as ornamentals, bearing flowers in a wide variety of colours in the spring.
Usage examples:
Their favourite was the rose, followed by hellebores, peonies, clematis, magnolias, lilies, euphorb…
Meanings of Primuline:
nounA synthetic yellow dyestuff derived from primuline base and used as a fluorescent stain.
Meanings of Primus:
nounThe presiding bishop of the scottish episcopal church, elected by the bishops from among their number.
Usage examples:
Church of scotland moderator, reverend andrew mclellan, and the primus of the scottish episcopal ch…
Meanings of Primuses:
nounThe presiding bishop of the scottish episcopal church, elected by the bishops from among their number.
Usage examples:
Church of scotland moderator, reverend andrew mclellan, and the primus of the scottish episcopal ch…
Meanings of Primy:
adjectiveThat is in its prime; indicative of (a person's) prime.
Meanings of Prince:
nounThe son of a monarch.
Usage examples:
I was anticipating a marvelous story with a princess waiting for her prince in her royal castle.
proper noun(1958–2016), us singer, songwriter, and musician; born prince rogers nelson. known for his distinctive fusion of funk, rock, and dance music as well as his flamboyant dress and highly sexual lyrics, he achieved international fame in the 1980s with songs like purple rain (1984), when doves cry (1984), and kiss (1986).
Meanings of Princehood:
nounThe rank, authority, or office of prince; the condition of being a prince or ruler.
Meanings of Princeite:
nounA follower of the rev. henry james prince (1811–99), or a member of the religious sect founded by him in the mid 19th century; an agapemonite. occasionally as adjective (in form princite): of, belonging to, or relating to this sect.
Meanings of Princeless:
adjectiveWithout a prince; having no prince.
Meanings of Princelet:
nounOriginally: a petty prince, the ruler of a small principality; (now usually) a young or diminutive prince.
Meanings of Princelier:
adjectiveRelating to a prince.
Usage examples:
The princely states of india
Meanings of Princeliest:
adjectiveRelating to a prince.
Usage examples:
The princely states of india
Meanings of Princeling:
nounThe ruler of a small principality or domain.
Usage examples:
An obscure family of german princelings
Meanings of Princelings:
nounThe ruler of a small principality or domain.
Usage examples:
An obscure family of german princelings
Meanings of Princely:
adjectiveRelating to a prince.
Usage examples:
The princely states of india
Meanings of Princes:
nounThe son of a monarch.
Usage examples:
I was anticipating a marvelous story with a princess waiting for her prince in her royal castle.
proper noun(1958–2016), us singer, songwriter, and musician; born prince rogers nelson. known for his distinctive fusion of funk, rock, and dance music as well as his flamboyant dress and highly sexual lyrics, he achieved international fame in the 1980s with songs like purple rain (1984), when doves cry (1984), and kiss (1986).
Meanings of Princess:
nounThe daughter of a monarch.
Usage examples:
Her name is r'jas un z'kovn sy'yski and she is the muse princess, daughter of prince noyus and next…
Meanings of Princessdom:
nounThe position, rank, or territory of a princess.
Meanings of Princesses:
nounThe daughter of a monarch.
Usage examples:
Her name is r'jas un z'kovn sy'yski and she is the muse princess, daughter of prince noyus and next…
Meanings of Princessly:
adjectiveThat is a princess or like a princess; belonging, relating, or appropriate to a princess.
Meanings of Princewood:
nounAny of several tropical american timbers: (originally) †= kingwood (obsolete); (later) the dark-coloured, light-veined timber of two west indian trees, cordia gerascanthus (family boraginaceae) and exostema caribaeum (family rubiaceae) (also called spanish elm); either of the two west indian trees producing this wood.
Meanings of Principal:
adjectiveFirst in order of importance; main.
Usage examples:
The country's principal cities
nounThe most important or senior person in an organization or group.
Usage examples:
A design consultancy whose principal is based in san francisco
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