All English words - page 4436
Meanings of Premotion:
nounMotion or impulse given beforehand; an instance of this. chiefly with reference to divine action as determining human will.
Meanings of Premultiply:
verbMultiply (a vector, matrix, or element of a group) non-commutatively by a preceding factor.
Usage examples:
In my last project i ran across a problem trying to premultiply in fusion.
Meanings of Premultiplying:
verbMultiply (a vector, matrix, or element of a group) non-commutatively by a preceding factor.
Usage examples:
In my last project i ran across a problem trying to premultiply in fusion.
Meanings of Premunition:
nounPrior notification, forewarning; a presentiment or foreboding; = "premonition".
Meanings of Premycotic:
adjectiveDesignating or belonging to the early stage of mycosis fungoides, characterized by a non-specific eczema-like skin eruption.
Meanings of Prenarial:
adjectiveSituated in front of the nostrils. also (rare): of or relating to the external nares.
Meanings of Prenasal:
nounChiefly . especially in a fish: a bone or bony plate located anterior to the nasal bone in the snout.
adjectiveLocated in front of the nose, the nostrils, or the nasal region.
Meanings of Prenatal:
adjectiveBefore birth; during or relating to pregnancy.
Usage examples:
Prenatal development
Meanings of Prenatalist:
nounA person who believes that the prenatal period is important in shaping the future behaviour, characteristics, etc., of a child.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or designating a prenatalist or prenatalists.
Meanings of Prenatally:
adverbBefore a pregnant woman's baby is born
Usage examples:
Some foetal abnormalities can be detected prenatally., high-risk doctors manage pregnancies that ar…
Meanings of Prenephritic:
adjectiveOccurring or existing prior to the development of nephritis.
Meanings of Preneural:
adjectiveAnterior to a neural element; specifically (in a chelonian) designating a skeletal element that lies between the nuchal bone and the neural bones.
nounA preneural bone in a chelonian.
Meanings of Prenoble:
adjectiveOccurring or existing before the achievement or granting of noble status.
Meanings of Prenominal:
adjective(of a word or part of speech) preceding a noun.
Usage examples:
And prenominal genitive determiner noun phrases are not adjectives, so to think that they can't be …
Meanings of Prenominate:
adjectiveAforementioned; = prenominated .
verbTo name or specify in advance, to mention previously, especially to nominate (a candidate) for an election, post, etc., beforehand. occasionally without object.
Meanings of Prenominated:
adjectiveNamed or specified in advance, aforementioned; especially nominated for an election, post, etc., beforehand. chiefly us in later use.
Meanings of Prenominating:
adjectiveAforementioned; = prenominated .
verbTo name or specify in advance, to mention previously, especially to nominate (a candidate) for an election, post, etc., beforehand. occasionally without object.
Meanings of Prenomination:
nounThe action of naming or nominating in advance; prior nomination of a person for an office or position; an instance of this. rare in later use.
Meanings of Prenotation:
nounThe action or fact of predicting or noting in advance.
Meanings of Prenotion:
nounA notion of something before actual experience of or acquaintance with it; a preconceived idea; preconception.
Meanings of Prentice:
verbAnother term for apprentice (verb).
Usage examples:
My brother was prenticed to a wheelwright
Meanings of Prenticed:
verbAnother term for apprentice (noun).
Usage examples:
A tailor's prentice
Meanings of Prentices:
verbAnother term for apprentice (noun).
Usage examples:
A tailor's prentice
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