All English words - page 4403
Meanings of Prayable:
adjectiveOf a person, god, or a god: that may be entreated or prayed to. rare after 16th century.
Meanings of Prayed:
verbAddress a prayer to god or another deity.
Usage examples:
The whole family are praying for michael
adverbUsed as a preface to polite requests or instructions.
Usage examples:
Ladies and gentlemen, pray be seated
Meanings of Prayer:
nounA solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to god or another deity.
Usage examples:
I'll say a prayer for him
Meanings of Prayerful:
adjectiveCharacterized by or expressive of prayer.
Usage examples:
The church has a prayerful atmosphere
Meanings of Prayerfully:
adverbIn a way that involves praying or is like praying
Usage examples:
You need to think carefully and prayerfully about what we are doing and what impact this could have…
Meanings of Prayerfulness:
nounThe practice of praying often and sincerely, or the qualities connected with this
Usage examples:
His holiness and prayerfulness attracted many people to him., the letter was full of down-to-earth …
Meanings of Prayers:
nounA solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to god or another deity.
Usage examples:
I'll say a prayer for him
Meanings of Prayerwise:
adverbAfter the manner or in the way of a prayer; with regard to or suggestive of prayer.
Meanings of Praying:
verbAddress a prayer to god or another deity.
Usage examples:
The whole family are praying for michael
adverbUsed as a preface to polite requests or instructions.
Usage examples:
Ladies and gentlemen, pray be seated
preɪMeanings of Prays:
verbAddress a prayer to god or another deity.
Usage examples:
The whole family are praying for michael
adverbUsed as a preface to polite requests or instructions.
Usage examples:
Ladies and gentlemen, pray be seated
Meanings of Pre:
prepositionPrevious to; before.
Usage examples:
The tree was almost certainly planted pre 1700
prefixBefore (in time, place, order, degree, or importance).
Usage examples:
Meanings of Pre-eminence:
nounThe quality of being more important or better than others
Usage examples:
His pre-eminence in his subject is internationally recognized., the company hopes to reestablish it…
Meanings of Pre-eminent:
adjectiveMore important or better than others
Usage examples:
She is the pre-eminent authority in her subject.
Meanings of Pre-empt:
verbTo do or say something before someone else does, especially to prevent them doing or saying what they had planned or to prevent their action being effective
Usage examples:
The group raised its offer in an attempt to pre-empt a possible counterbid from a rival.
Meanings of Pre-emptive:
adjectiveDone before someone else can act, especially to prevent them doing what they had planned
Usage examples:
Pre-emptive action/measure/move the treasury decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measu…
Meanings of Pre-established:
adjectiveDecided or agreed at an earlier time
Usage examples:
The recruitment process follows a set of pre-established guidelines., customers are allowed to over…
Meanings of Pre-existing:
adjectiveExisting before something else
Usage examples:
The drug should be used with caution in patients with pre-existing cardiac disease.
Meanings of Pre-owned:
adjectivePreviously owned by someone else
Usage examples:
A swan, pre-owned or new, is a real investment., they are reconditioning used cars for sale as cert…
Meanings of Pre-teens:
nounA boy or girl between the ages of about nine and twelve
Usage examples:
A magazine for pre-teens, pre-teen fashions, her music is popular with pre-teen girls.
Meanings of Preach:
verbDeliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church.
Usage examples:
He preached to a large congregation
Meanings of Preach-to:
verbTo give a religious speech
Usage examples:
[ t ] the minister preached a sermon on the need for forgiveness., [ t ] should liddy be allowed to…
Meanings of Preach-to-the-choir-preach-to-the-converted:
idiomTo try to persuade people who already agree with you
Usage examples:
The men who really need to hear the message don't come to the meetings, so i'm just preaching to th…
Meanings of Preachable:
adjectiveAble to be preached, or preached about or from; suitable for preaching; affording material for a sermon or religious discourse.
Meanings of Preached:
verbDeliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church.
Usage examples:
He preached to a large congregation
Meanings of Preacher:
nounA person who preaches, especially a minister of religion.
Usage examples:
Pray regularly from the pulpit for god to raise up preachers and missionary church planters.
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