All English words - page 4291
Meanings of Pluralized:
verbCause to become more numerous.
Usage examples:
This approach can have advantages in terms of pluralizing and relativizing the student's perspectives
Meanings of Pluralizer:
nounA suffix, prefix, inflection, or auxiliary word which forms a plural.
Meanings of Pluralizes:
verbCause to become more numerous.
Usage examples:
This approach can have advantages in terms of pluralizing and relativizing the student's perspectives
Meanings of Pluralizing:
verbCause to become more numerous.
Usage examples:
This approach can have advantages in terms of pluralizing and relativizing the student's perspectives
Meanings of Plurals:
nounA plural word or form.
Usage examples:
Nouns with irregular plurals
adjective(of a word or form) denoting more than one, or (in languages with dual number) more than two.
Usage examples:
The first person plural
Meanings of Plurennial:
adjectiveLasting for more than one or two years.
Meanings of Pluricellular:
adjectiveComposed of several cells.
Meanings of Pluricentral:
adjectiveHaving more than one centre; multi-centred.
Meanings of Pluricuspid:
adjectiveOf a tooth (especially a radular tooth) having several cusps.
Meanings of Pluridentate:
adjectiveHaving many toothlike processes or appendages.
Meanings of Pluries:
nounA third or subsequent writ of attachment, issued when previous writs have proved ineffectual.
Meanings of Plurifoliolate:
adjective(of a leaf) having many leaflets; multifoliolate.
Meanings of Plurilingual:
adjectiveRelating to, involving, or fluent in a number of languages; multilingual.
nounA person who speaks a number of languages.
Meanings of Plurilingualism:
nounFluency in a number of languages.
Meanings of Plurilocular:
adjectiveContaining many cavities or cells.
Meanings of Plurinominal:
adjectiveRelating to or designating a form of proportional representation in which votes are cast and counted for a list of named candidates collectively, rather than for individuals.
Meanings of Plurinucleate:
adjective(of a cell) having more than one nucleus; multinucleate.
Meanings of Pluriparity:
nounOriginally: the condition or fact of producing several offspring at one time; polytoky. later also: multiparity (rare).
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