All English words - page 427
Meanings of Autolysin:
nounAn autoantibody or other endogenous substance that lyses cells; specifically an enzyme present within a bacterial cell that breaks down components of the cell.
Meanings of Autolysis:
nounThe destruction of cells or tissues by their own enzymes, especially those released by lysosomes.
Usage examples:
Specimens from living patients vastly outnumber autopsy specimens, and the absence of autolysis mak…
Meanings of Autolyze:
verbTo undergo autolysis. also with object: to cause autolysis of.
Meanings of Autolyzes:
verbTo undergo autolysis. also with object: to cause autolysis of.
Meanings of Automacy:
nounThe quality, state, or condition of being automatic; automaticity.
Meanings of Automaker:
nounA company which manufactures cars.
Usage examples:
And it will, just so long as the automakers produce the right vehicles for these markets.
Meanings of Automania:
nounReckless or excessively fast driving; the condition of being an automaniac.
Meanings of Automanipulation:
nounManipulation of a part of one's own body; especially reduction of a hernia or dislocation by oneself.
Meanings of Automat:
nounA cafeteria in which food and drink were obtained from slot machines.
Usage examples:
When the detective in the erasers eats lunch, it is in an automat where food is reduced to ‘cubes’ …
Meanings of Automata:
nounA moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.
Usage examples:
A collection of 19th century french automata: acrobats, clowns, and musicians
Meanings of Automatable:
adjectiveCapable of being automated; suitable for automation.
Meanings of Automate:
verbConvert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.
Usage examples:
Industry is investing in automating production
Meanings of Automated:
adjectiveOperated by largely automatic equipment.
Usage examples:
A fully automated process
verbConvert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.
Usage examples:
Industry is investing in automating production
Meanings of Automates:
verbConvert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.
Usage examples:
Industry is investing in automating production
Meanings of Automatic:
adjective(of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control.
Usage examples:
An automatic kettle that switches itself off when it boils
nounA gun that continues firing until the ammunition is exhausted or the pressure on the trigger is released.
Usage examples:
The rapid fire of automatics
Meanings of Automatically:
adverb(with reference to a device or process) by itself with little or no direct human control.
Usage examples:
The kettle automatically switched off when it boiled
In a mechanical manner; by a mechanism
Meanings of Automatics:
nounA gun that continues firing until the ammunition is exhausted or the pressure on the trigger is released.
Usage examples:
The rapid fire of automatics
adjective(of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control.
Usage examples:
An automatic kettle that switches itself off when it boils
Meanings of Automation:
nounThe use or introduction of automatic equipment in a manufacturing or other process or facility.
Usage examples:
Unemployment due to the spread of automation
Meanings of Automatism:
nounThe performance of actions without conscious thought or intention.
Usage examples:
Diabetic patients who commit crimes while hypoglycaemic may be able to plead automatism
Meanings of Automatist:
nounA maker of automata.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or using automatism.
Meanings of Automatize:
verbMake automatic or habitual.
Usage examples:
The practice of reading helps to automatize the reading process
Meanings of Automatized:
adjectiveHaving become automatic or habitual.
Usage examples:
The need to refresh automatized forms of literature
verbMake automatic or habitual.
Usage examples:
The practice of reading helps to automatize the reading process
Meanings of Automatizes:
verbMake automatic or habitual.
Usage examples:
The practice of reading helps to automatize the reading process
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