All English words - page 4259
Meanings of Planoconvex:
adjective(of a lens) with one surface plane and the opposite one convex.
Usage examples:
Radiation characteristics of a plano-convex lens are studied using maslov's method, stressing the e…
Meanings of Planogamete:
nounIn algae and fungi: a motile gamete or conjugating cell.
Meanings of Planograph:
nounA planographic printing.
verbTo print from a plane surface.
Meanings of Planographic:
adjectiveRelating to or denoting a printing process in which the printing surface is flat, as in lithography.
Usage examples:
The technique for producing a lithograph is called planographic because the printing surface is a f…
Meanings of Planometer:
nounA flat plate, typically of cast iron, used in metalwork as a standard gauge for plane surfaces.
Usage examples:
The latter kind of planometers, although not near so large or costly as the former, has almost an e…
Meanings of Planometry:
nounThe measurement of the area of plane surfaces; = "planimetry".
Meanings of Planont:
nounA motile spore, gamete, or zygote; especially the motile stage of certain microsporidian protozoans or phycomycetes.
Meanings of Planorbiform:
adjectiveHaving the form of a snail of the genus planorbis; of the shape of a rounded plane spiral.
Meanings of Planorbis:
nounA genus of freshwater snails (pond snails) characterized by a rounded shell in the form of a plane spiral.
Meanings of Planosol:
nounAn intrazonal soil having a thin, strongly leached surface horizon overlying a compacted hardpan or claypan, and occurring on flat uplands with poor drainage.
Meanings of Planosols:
nounAn intrazonal soil having a thin, strongly leached surface horizon overlying a compacted hardpan or claypan, and occurring on flat uplands with poor drainage.
Meanings of Plans:
nounA detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
Usage examples:
The un peace plan
verbDecide on and make arrangements for in advance.
Usage examples:
They were planning a trip to egypt
phraseDrawings from which something is made or built
Usage examples:
Draw up plans the architect showed us the house plans that she had drawn up., plans for i'll send a…
Meanings of Plansheer:
nounThe outermost plank or series of planks covering the gunwale or the heads of the frames in a wooden ship.
Meanings of Plant:
nounA living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.
Usage examples:
Eventually, it melts to supply water and nutrients to plants and aquatic organisms.
verbPut (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow.
Usage examples:
We planted a lot of fruit trees
Meanings of Plant-life:
nounA living thing that grows in earth, in water, or on other plants, usually has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and ...
Meanings of Plant-out:
phrasal verbTo put a plant into the ground outside to continue growing
Usage examples:
Plant out the geraniums in early june.
Meanings of Plantage:
nounOriginally: †the cultivation of plants; planting (obsolete). in later use: a place in which plants are cultivated, a plantation.
Meanings of Plantagenet:
adjectiveRelating to the english royal dynasty which held the throne from the accession of henry ii in 1154 until the death of richard iii in 1485.
Usage examples:
Both these peers - the first of royal plantagenet lineage, the second very much a new man, a russel…
nounA member of the plantagenet dynasty.
Usage examples:
Thus began the rivalry between the capetians and the plantagenets as well as the birth of the gothi…
Meanings of Plantaginaceous:
adjectiveOf or relating to the plant family plantaginaceae, which includes the plantains.
Meanings of Plantain:
nounA low-growing plant that typically has a rosette of leaves and a slender green flower spike, widely growing as a weed in lawns.
Usage examples:
What girl child has not, during the warm summer months of her youth, played in the out of doors mak…
Meanings of Plantains:
nounA low-growing plant that typically has a rosette of leaves and a slender green flower spike, widely growing as a weed in lawns.
Usage examples:
What girl child has not, during the warm summer months of her youth, played in the out of doors mak…
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