All English words - page 4125
Meanings of Petrean:
adjectiveRocky, stony; of or relating to rocks or stones.
Meanings of Petrel:
nounA seabird related to the shearwaters, typically flying far from land.
Usage examples:
While there are few wild animals in iceland, there is abundant birdlife - ducks, geese and, among t…
Meanings of Petrels:
nounA seabird related to the shearwaters, typically flying far from land.
Usage examples:
While there are few wild animals in iceland, there is abundant birdlife - ducks, geese and, among t…
Meanings of Petri:
nounA small, clear, round dish with a cover, used in scientific tests especially for growing bacteria
Usage examples:
Researchers created a tissue-like layer of cells in a petri dish., she spent the morning photograph…
Meanings of Petricolous:
adjectiveInhabiting rock; living on rocks; lithodomous.
Meanings of Petrifaction:
nounThe process by which organic matter exposed to minerals over a long period is turned into a stony substance.
Usage examples:
The processes of petrification
Meanings of Petrifactive:
adjectiveHaving the quality of petrifying; causing petrifaction.
Meanings of Petrific:
adjectiveHaving the quality of petrifying or turning into stone; causing petrifaction; (medicine) †causing the formation of a calculus (obsolete).
Meanings of Petrification:
nounThe process by which organic matter exposed to minerals over a long period is turned into a stony substance.
Usage examples:
The processes of petrification
Meanings of Petrified:
adjectiveSo frightened that one is unable to move; terrified.
Usage examples:
The petrified child clung to her mother
verbChange (organic matter) into a stony substance by encrusting or replacing it with a calcareous, siliceous, or other mineral deposit.
Meanings of Petrifier:
nounA person who or thing which petrifies another.
Meanings of Petrifies:
verbChange (organic matter) into a stony substance by encrusting or replacing it with a calcareous, siliceous, or other mineral deposit.
Usage examples:
The chemical components used to artificially petrify wood can be found in natural settings around v…
Meanings of Petrify:
verbChange (organic matter) into a stony substance by encrusting or replacing it with a calcareous, siliceous, or other mineral deposit.
Usage examples:
The chemical components used to artificially petrify wood can be found in natural settings around v…
Meanings of Petrifying:
verbChange (organic matter) into a stony substance by encrusting or replacing it with a calcareous, siliceous, or other mineral deposit.
Usage examples:
The chemical components used to artificially petrify wood can be found in natural settings around v…
Meanings of Petrine:
adjectiveRelating to st peter or his writings or teachings.
Usage examples:
The new testament reflects a conflict between an earlier petrine theology and a later pauline type
Meanings of Petrinism:
nounThe doctrines of or associated with st peter; petrine theology or teaching. usually opposed to paulinism .
Meanings of Petrinist:
nounA follower of st peter; a student of petrine theology.
Meanings of Petrissage:
nounA massage technique that involves kneading the body.
Usage examples:
Then, during the last minute of the rub, the subject's skin was gently lifted with a c-shaped motio…
Meanings of Petro:
Of rock; relating to rocks.
Usage examples:
Meanings of Petrobrusian:
nounA follower of the radical heretical preacher pierre de bruys, active in southern france early in the 12th century, who rejected infant baptism, the mass, prayers for the dead, and other externals of worship.
Meanings of Petrochemical:
adjectiveRelating to or denoting substances obtained by the refining and processing of petroleum or natural gas.
Usage examples:
A huge petrochemical works producing plastics
nounA chemical obtained from petroleum and natural gas.
Usage examples:
A chemical engineer may specialize in pharmaceutical chemistry, petrochemicals, food additives, cer…
Meanings of Petrochemicals:
nounA chemical obtained from petroleum and natural gas.
Usage examples:
A chemical engineer may specialize in pharmaceutical chemistry, petrochemicals, food additives, cer…
adjectiveRelating to or denoting substances obtained by the refining and processing of petroleum or natural gas.
Usage examples:
A huge petrochemical works producing plastics
Meanings of Petrochemistry:
nounThe branch of chemistry concerned with the composition and formation of rocks (as distinct from minerals and ore deposits).
Usage examples:
The gabbroic parts of the st. stephen pluton and the calais quartz diorite are similar in petrochem…
Meanings of Petrodollar:
nounA notional unit of currency earned by a country from the export of petroleum.
Usage examples:
Petrodollars were pouring into the kingdom
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