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Meanings of Petate:


In central america and cuba: a mat, especially a sleeping mat, typically made of straw or dried palm leaves.

Meanings of Petaurine:


A possum of the genus petaurus or the subfamily petaurinae.

Meanings of Petchary:


The grey kingbird, tyrannus dominicensis.

Meanings of Petcock:


A small valve positioned in the pipe of a steam boiler or cylinder of a steam engine for drainage or testing.

Usage examples:

They were fitted with a dial gauge, a vent port in the form of a petcock or counterweight, and a sa…

Meanings of Petcocks:


A small valve positioned in the pipe of a steam boiler or cylinder of a steam engine for drainage or testing.

Usage examples:

They were fitted with a dial gauge, a vent port in the form of a petcock or counterweight, and a sa…

Meanings of Pete:


I am surprised or annoyed by this

Usage examples:

For goodness’ sake, don’t tell anyone else about this!

Meanings of Petechia:


A small red or purple spot caused by bleeding into the skin.

Usage examples:

Bruising, petechiae, epistaxis, bleeding gums, excessive menses, retinal hemorrhages, intestinal bl…

Meanings of Petechiae:


A small red or purple spot caused by bleeding into the skin.

Usage examples:

Bruising, petechiae, epistaxis, bleeding gums, excessive menses, retinal hemorrhages, intestinal bl…

Meanings of Peter:


Decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end.

Usage examples:

The storm had petered out

A man's penis.

Meanings of Peter-out:

phrasal verb

To be reduced gradually so that nothing is left

Usage examples:

We thought the storm would peter out.



Meanings of Petered:


Decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end.

Usage examples:

The storm had petered out

A man's penis.

phrasal verb

To be reduced gradually so that nothing is left

Usage examples:

We thought the storm would peter out.

Meanings of Petering:


Decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end.

Usage examples:

The storm had petered out

A man's penis.

Meanings of Petering-out:

phrasal verb

To be reduced gradually so that nothing is left

Usage examples:

We thought the storm would peter out.

Meanings of Peterman:


A thief or safe-breaker.

Usage examples:

It takes as long to train a bank robber as a doctor, going through the grades of look-out, getaway …

Meanings of Petermen:


A thief or safe-breaker.

Usage examples:

It takes as long to train a bank robber as a doctor, going through the grades of look-out, getaway …

Meanings of Peters:


Decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end.

Usage examples:

The storm had petered out

A man's penis.

Meanings of Petersham:


A corded tape used in dressmaking and millinery for stiffening.

Usage examples:

Finishing options are available to make stiff petersham tape for use in skirt waistbands or soft wh…

Meanings of Pethidine:


A synthetic compound used as a painkilling drug, especially for women in labour.

Usage examples:

He looked pretty sick, so i started treatment with intravenous fluids and antibiotics, followed by …

Meanings of Petiolary:



Meanings of Petiolated:



Meanings of Petiole:


The stalk that joins a leaf to a stem.

Usage examples:

Plants were dissected into leaves, stems with petioles, and inflorescences.

Meanings of Petioled:


Having a petiole (especially of a specified kind); = "petiolate".

Meanings of Petioles:


The stalk that joins a leaf to a stem.

Usage examples:

Plants were dissected into leaves, stems with petioles, and inflorescences.

Meanings of Petiolular:


Of or relating to a petiolule.

Meanings of Petiolulate:


Having a petiolule.

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