All English words - page 4114
Meanings of Persons:
nounA human being regarded as an individual.
Usage examples:
The porter was the last person to see her prior to her disappearance
Meanings of Personship:
nounThe condition or state of being a person.
Meanings of Persorption:
nounSorption in which molecules of a gas enter pores in a solid that are only a little larger than themselves.
Meanings of Perspection:
nounContemplation, regard; scrutiny, inspection.
Meanings of Perspective:
nounThe art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.
Usage examples:
The theory and practice of perspective
A way of regarding situations or topics
Meanings of Perspectived:
adjectivePlaced or drawn in perspective; that involves or is characterized by perspectives.
Meanings of Perspectiveless:
adjectiveLacking perspective; especially drawn without regard to perspective.
Meanings of Perspectives:
nounThe art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.
Usage examples:
The theory and practice of perspective
Meanings of Perspectivism:
nounThe theory that knowledge of a subject is inevitably partial and limited by the individual perspective from which it is viewed.
Usage examples:
By juxtaposing popper against nietzsche, i would outline an abductive system which connects individ…
Meanings of Perspectivity:
nounThe quality or condition of being limited by or confined to a particular mental perspective or point of view.
Meanings of Perspectograph:
nounAn instrument for delineating the outlines of a scene or object, in order to facilitate drawing in perspective.
Meanings of Perspicable:
adjectiveCapable of being seen; in view; visible. rare after 17th century.
Meanings of Perspicacious:
adjectiveHaving a ready insight into and understanding of things.
Usage examples:
It offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter
Meanings of Perspicaciously:
adverbIn a way that shows skill in noticing, understanding, or judging things accurately
Usage examples:
He writes perspicaciously about the position of women in medieval society., "do you have another re…
Meanings of Perspicacity:
nounThe quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.
Usage examples:
The perspicacity of her remarks
Meanings of Perspicuity:
nounThe quality of being clear and easy to understand
Usage examples:
The decisions themselves are models of perspicuity and judicial soundness., every word that contrib…
Meanings of Perspicuous:
adjectiveClearly expressed and easily understood; lucid.
Usage examples:
It provides simpler and more perspicuous explanations than its rivals
Meanings of Perspicuously:
adverbIn a way that is clear and easy to understand
Usage examples:
You have managed to demonstrate your ethical position most perspicuously., in this lecture she pers…
Meanings of Perspirable:
adjectiveAble to be secreted in or as perspiration.
Meanings of Perspiration:
nounThe process of sweating.
Usage examples:
Exercise causes perspiration and a speeded-up heartbeat
Meanings of Perspire:
verbGive out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.
Usage examples:
Will was perspiring heavily
Meanings of Perspired:
verbGive out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.
Usage examples:
Will was perspiring heavily
Meanings of Perspires:
verbGive out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.
Usage examples:
Will was perspiring heavily
Meanings of Perspiring:
verbGive out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.
Usage examples:
Will was perspiring heavily
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