All English words - page 4102
Meanings of Peripheries:
nounThe outer limits or edge of an area or object.
Usage examples:
New buildings on the periphery of the hospital site
Meanings of Periphery:
nounThe outer limits or edge of an area or object.
Usage examples:
New buildings on the periphery of the hospital site
Meanings of Periphlebitic:
adjectiveOf or relating to periphlebitis.
Meanings of Periphlebitis:
nounInflammation of the outer layer of the wall of a vein; an instance of this.
Meanings of Periphractic:
adjectiveDesignating a region of space having one or more internal bounding surfaces (or curves, when the region is two-dimensional) unconnected with the external boundary (e.g. a globe with an internal cavity, or an annulus), so that a closed surface (or curve, when the region is two-dimensional) may be drawn within the region which cannot be contracted to a point without passing out of the region.
Meanings of Periphrases:
nounThe use of indirect and circumlocutory speech or writing.
Usage examples:
In order to refer to the activity denoted by the f-word, it is necessary to engage in circumlocutio…
pəˈrɪfrəsɪsMeanings of Periphrasis:
nounThe use of indirect and circumlocutory speech or writing.
Usage examples:
In order to refer to the activity denoted by the f-word, it is necessary to engage in circumlocutio…
Meanings of Periphrastic:
adjective(of speech or writing) indirect and circumlocutory.
Usage examples:
The periphrastic nature of legal syntax
Meanings of Periphysis:
nounA hypha within or near the ostiole of a perithecium or pycnidium. usually in plural.
Meanings of Periphyton:
nounFreshwater organisms attached or clinging to plants and other objects projecting above the bottom sediments.
Usage examples:
The tadpoles used in this experiment feed primarily on periphyton
Meanings of Periplasm:
nounIn an oomycete, especially one of the order peronosporales: the outer portion of the cytoplasm in an oogonium or antheridium.
Meanings of Periplast:
nounOriginally: †a cell wall (obsolete). now: specifically the wall of a unicellular organism, especially that of an alga of the division cryptophyta, consisting of stiff proteinaceous plates.
Meanings of Periplus:
nounChiefly with reference to the titles of books by arrian and hanno: an account or narrative of a circumnavigation or other voyage; a manual of navigation.
Meanings of Peripneumonia:
nounInflammation of the lung; pneumonia or pneumonitis; an instance or case of this. compare "peripneumony".
Meanings of Peripneustic:
adjectiveDesignating or having a respiratory system in which there is a row of spiracles along each side of the body, all or almost all of which are fully functional.
Meanings of Periportal:
adjectiveSituated or occurring around the portal vein.
Meanings of Periproct:
nounIn an echinoid: a small circular membranous region on the aboral surface containing the anus and a variable number of small embedded plates.
Meanings of Periproctic:
adjectiveSurrounding the anus or rectum; perirectal.
Meanings of Periproctitis:
nounInflammation of the tissue around the anus.
Meanings of Periprostatic:
adjectiveSituated or occurring around the prostate gland.
Meanings of Peripter:
nounA building surrounded by a single peristyle or row of columns; the encompassing peristyle itself.
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