All English words - page 4092
Meanings of Perimetrical:
adjectivePerimetric rare before late 20th century.
Meanings of Perimetritis:
nounInflammation of the peritoneal covering of the uterus.
Meanings of Perimetry:
nounMeasurement of a person's field of vision.
Usage examples:
Fundoscopy showed severe disc swelling, and perimetry showed visual field defects, which were most …
Meanings of Perimorph:
nounA mineral or crystal that encloses another. correlative to "endomorph".
Meanings of Perimysium:
nounThe sheath of connective tissue surrounding a bundle of muscle fibres.
Usage examples:
Muscle is really composed of not merely muscle cells, but also connective tissue - endomysium, peri…
Meanings of Perinatal:
adjectiveRelating to the time, usually a number of weeks, immediately before and after birth.
Usage examples:
They were transferred to our neonatal intensive care unit with a presumptive diagnosis of perinatal…
Meanings of Perinea:
nounThe area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva.
Usage examples:
The perineal area includes the pubis, vulva, labia, perineum, anus, and adjacent area, including th…
Plural of perineum specialized
Meanings of Perineal:
adjectiveRelating to the perineum (= the area between the tops of the thighs)
Usage examples:
Perineal pain
Meanings of Perineoplasty:
nounSurgical repair of the perineum.
Meanings of Perineorrhaphy:
nounSuture of the perineum when ruptured.
Meanings of Perineovaginal:
adjectiveRelating to the perineum and vagina.
Meanings of Perineovulvar:
adjectiveRelating to the perineum and vulva.
Meanings of Perinephric:
adjectiveSituated or occurring around the kidney; (formerly also) †of or relating to the perinephrium.
Meanings of Perinephritic:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or caused by perinephritis.
Meanings of Perinephritis:
nounInflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the kidney.
Meanings of Perineum:
nounThe area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva.
Usage examples:
The perineal area includes the pubis, vulva, labia, perineum, anus, and adjacent area, including th…
Meanings of Perineural:
adjectiveLocated around a nerve or a bundle of nerve fibres.
Usage examples:
A perineural cyst
ˌpɛrɪˈnjʊərəlMeanings of Perineurial:
adjectiveLocated around a nerve or a bundle of nerve fibres.
Usage examples:
A perineural cyst
Meanings of Perineuritis:
nounOriginally: †inflammation of the peripheral portion of the optic disc or of the adjacent retina (obsolete). in later use: inflammation of the perineurium of a nerve or nerves.
Meanings of Perineurium:
nounThe sheath of connective tissue surrounding a bundle (fascicle) of nerve fibres within a nerve.
Usage examples:
The endoneurium is continuous with the more abundant connective tissue perineurium, which envelops …
Meanings of Perinuclear:
adjectiveSituated or occurring around the nucleus of a cell.
Usage examples:
Although microfilaments were inconspicuous in these cells, perinuclear bundles of intermediate fila…
Meanings of Periocular:
adjectiveSituated or occurring around the eye or eyeball.
Meanings of Period:
nounA length or portion of time.
Usage examples:
He had long periods of depression
adjectiveBelonging to or characteristic of a past historical time, especially in style or design.
Usage examples:
An attractive and beautifully modernized period house
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