All English words - page 4077
Meanings of Pentosans:
nounA polysaccharide whose constituent monosaccharides are pentoses.
Meanings of Pentose:
nounAny of the class of simple sugars whose molecules contain five carbon atoms, such as ribose and xylose. they generally have the chemical formula c5h10o5.
Meanings of Pentoses:
nounAny of the class of simple sugars whose molecules contain five carbon atoms, such as ribose and xylose. they generally have the chemical formula c5h10o5.
Meanings of Pentoside:
nounA glycoside, usually a nucleoside, which yields a pentose on hydrolysis.
Meanings of Pentosuria:
nounAbnormal excretion of pentoses in the urine; specifically a benign inherited (autosomal recessive) condition characterized by the excretion of l-xylulose in the urine.
Meanings of Pentoxide:
nounAn oxide containing five atoms of oxygen in its molecule or empirical formula.
Usage examples:
Glass-forming substances are usually silica, boric oxide, phosphorous pentoxide, or feldspars.
Meanings of Pentremite:
nounA fossil blastoid echinoderm of the mostly north american genus pentremites, having five spiracles surrounding the mouth.
Meanings of Pentremites:
nounA fossil blastoid echinoderm of the mostly north american genus pentremites, having five spiracles surrounding the mouth.
Meanings of Pentremitidae:
nounA fossil blastoid echinoderm of the mostly north american genus pentremites, having five spiracles surrounding the mouth.
Meanings of Pentrough:
nounA trough, channel, or conduit, usually made of wooden boards, for conveying water from a weir, dam, etc., to the top of the wheel in a watermill. compare "penstock", "pen".
Meanings of Pentstemon:
nounA north american plant with stems of showy flowers resembling snapdragons.
Usage examples:
From mid-june through july, you should see profuse wildflowers, from the dainty, lavender pasque fl…
Meanings of Pentyl:
nounOf or denoting an alkyl radical —c5h11, derived from pentane.
Meanings of Pentylenetetrazol:
nounA synthetic, crystalline, neutral compound having a bicyclic molecular structure, used as a central nervous system and respiratory stimulant; 1,5-pentamethylenetetrazole, c₆ h₁₀ n₄.
Meanings of Pentyne:
nounOriginally: any of a number of unsaturated hydrocarbons with the formula c₅ h₈. now specifically: an alkyne with this formula, especially (also 1- "pentyne") the unbranched isomer ch≡cch₂ ch₂ ch₃.
Meanings of Penuche:
nounA kind of coarse brown sugar used especially in mexico.
Meanings of Penuches:
nounA kind of coarse brown sugar used especially in mexico.
Meanings of Penult:
nounThe penultimate syllable of a word.
Usage examples:
The first places stress either on the penult of the stem (origin-al, with source origin; virgin-al …
adjectiveArchaic term for penultimate.
Meanings of Penultima:
nounThe penultimate syllable of a word or foot.
Meanings of Penultimate:
adjectiveLast but one in a series of things; second last.
Usage examples:
The penultimate chapter of the book
Meanings of Penultimatum:
nounA demand which is almost an ultimatum; a demand sent immediately before an ultimatum.
Meanings of Penults:
nounThe penultimate syllable of a word.
Usage examples:
The first places stress either on the penult of the stem (origin-al, with source origin; virgin-al …
Meanings of Penumbra:
nounThe partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object.
Usage examples:
In other cases the moon does not pass through the umbra at all, just going through the penumbra (a …
Meanings of Penumbrae:
nounThe partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object.
Usage examples:
In other cases the moon does not pass through the umbra at all, just going through the penumbra (a …
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