All English words - page 3987
Meanings of Paroling:
verbRelease (a prisoner) on parole.
Usage examples:
He was paroled after serving nine months of a two-year sentence
nounThe temporary or permanent release of a prisoner before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behaviour.
Usage examples:
He committed a burglary while on parole
Meanings of Paromologia:
nounThe figure of partial admission; a strategy in debate in which minor points are conceded to an adversary in order to strengthen one's own position.
Meanings of Paromology:
nounThe figure of partial admission; a strategy in debate in which minor points are conceded to an adversary in order to strengthen one's own position.
Meanings of Paromphalocele:
nounA hernia in which abdominal organs protrude into a baby's umbilical cord.
Usage examples:
Umbilical hernias, omphaloceles, and gastroschisis usually are apparent on gross inspection.
Meanings of Paronomasia:
nounA play on words; a pun.
Usage examples:
That humorous lyric mentioned earlier, ‘you can't have your kate and edith, too’ and the song ‘over…
Meanings of Paronomastic:
adjectiveOf or relating to paronomasia; characterized by paronomasia, punning.
Meanings of Paronomastically:
adverbIn a paronomastic manner; punningly.
Meanings of Paronychia:
nounAn inflammation around a toenail or fingernail; a whitlow; the condition of having this.
Meanings of Paronychial:
adjectiveRelating to or of the nature of paronychia.
Meanings of Paronym:
nounA word which is a derivative of another and has a related meaning.
Usage examples:
‘wisdom’ is a paronym of ‘wise’
Meanings of Paronyms:
nounA word which is a derivative of another and has a related meaning.
Usage examples:
‘wisdom’ is a paronym of ‘wise’
Meanings of Paroophoron:
nounA small group of vestigial tubules located behind the ovary, representing a mesonephric remnant in the female.
Meanings of Parorexia:
nounDisordered or abnormal appetite; specifically pica.
Meanings of Parosmia:
nounAbnormality in the sense of smell.
Usage examples:
Currently, just over seven months after the accident, i have parosmia
Meanings of Parosteal:
adjectiveRelating to or designating a tumour arising on the surface of a bone.
Meanings of Parotic:
adjectiveSituated beside or near the ear; parotid.
Meanings of Parotid:
adjectiveRelating to, situated near, or affecting a parotid gland.
Usage examples:
The parotid duct
nounShort for parotid gland.
Meanings of Parotidectomy:
nounSurgical excision of all or part of a parotid gland; an instance of this.
Meanings of Parotids:
nounShort for parotid gland.
adjectiveRelating to, situated near, or affecting a parotid gland.
Usage examples:
The parotid duct
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