All English words - page 3962
Meanings of Paraenetical:
adjectiveAdvisory or hortatory; = paraenetic .
Meanings of Paraesthesia:
nounAn abnormal sensation, typically tingling or pricking (‘pins and needles’), caused chiefly by pressure on or damage to peripheral nerves.
Usage examples:
Patients complain of painful paraesthesiae in the hands
Meanings of Paraesthetic:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or affected with paraesthesia.
Meanings of Paraffin:
nounA flammable, whitish, translucent, waxy solid consisting of a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons, obtained by distillation from petroleum or shale and used in candles, cosmetics, polishes, and sealing and waterproofing compounds.
Meanings of Paraffinic:
adjectiveOf or relating to paraffin or a paraffin; consisting or characteristic of paraffins.
Meanings of Paraffinoid:
adjectiveOf the nature of or resembling paraffin or a paraffin.
Meanings of Paraffins:
nounA flammable, whitish, translucent, waxy solid consisting of a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons, obtained by distillation from petroleum or shale and used in candles, cosmetics, polishes, and sealing and waterproofing compounds.
Meanings of Paraffiny:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or suggestive of paraffin; covered or smeared with paraffin; smelling of paraffin.
Meanings of Parafoil:
nounA structure of fabric designed to function as both a parachute and an aerofoil, providing lift that enables the person or object supported to glide.
Meanings of Paraform:
nounParaformaldehyde, especially as a commercial product.
Meanings of Paraformaldehyde:
nounA white crystalline solid, obtained by the evaporation of an aqueous solution of formaldehyde (methanal), which is a polymer of formaldehyde and is used as a disinfectant, fumigant, and bactericide, and as an intermediate in chemical synthesis; polyoxymethylene, (hcho)ₙ.
Meanings of Paraforms:
nounParaformaldehyde, especially as a commercial product.
Meanings of Paraganglion:
nounAny of the small aggregates of chromaffin cells found in association with autonomic ganglia and nerves. also: any of the small collections of glomus cells found in association with certain blood vessels, acting as chemoreceptors.
Meanings of Paragaster:
nounA central cavity in a sponge, open to the exterior through ostia.
Meanings of Paragastric:
adjectiveSituated next to the stomach or gastric cavity; specifically designating either of a pair of canals arising from the stomach of a ctenophore adjacent to the pharynx.
Meanings of Parage:
nounLineage, descent, or rank; especially noble or high lineage. also: the qualities of courtesy, generosity, etc., held to be proper to a person of noble lineage.
Meanings of Paragenesis:
nounA set of minerals which were formed together, especially in a rock, or with a specified mineral.
Usage examples:
The distribution of mineral parageneses and illite crystallinity across one of the upright folds su…
Meanings of Parageusia:
nounOriginally: any disorder of the sense of taste. in later use: specifically illusory perception of taste.
Meanings of Paraglider:
nounA wide canopy resembling a parachute that is attached to a person's body by a harness in order to allow them to glide through the air after jumping from or being hauled to a height.
Usage examples:
Similar to parachutes, paragliders do not have frames like hang gliders - only lines and canopy.
Meanings of Paraglobulin:
nounSerum globulin; (in early use) specifically a serum globulin believed to participate in the formation of fibrin (now historical).
Meanings of Paraglossa:
nounThe outer lobe of the ligula in certain insects.
Meanings of Paraglossal:
adjectiveOf the nature of or relating to a paraglossa.
Meanings of Paragnath:
nounEither of the two lobes forming the labium in many crustaceans.
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