All English words - page 3827
Meanings of Outstay:
verbStay beyond the limit of (one's expected or permitted time).
Usage examples:
Employees who had outstayed their coffee break
Meanings of Outstayed:
verbStay beyond the limit of (one's expected or permitted time).
Usage examples:
Employees who had outstayed their coffee break
Meanings of Outstaying:
verbStay beyond the limit of (one's expected or permitted time).
Usage examples:
Employees who had outstayed their coffee break
Meanings of Outstays:
verbStay beyond the limit of (one's expected or permitted time).
Usage examples:
Employees who had outstayed their coffee break
Meanings of Outsteam:
verbOf a ship: to steam faster or better than (another ship).
Meanings of Outstep:
Usage examples:
The author's claims don't outstep the bounds of reason
Meanings of Outstepped:
Usage examples:
The author's claims don't outstep the bounds of reason
Meanings of Outstepping:
Usage examples:
The author's claims don't outstep the bounds of reason
Meanings of Outstink:
verbTo surpass in stinking; to smell more or more pungently than.
Meanings of Outstrain:
verbTo outdo by straining or strenuous effort.
Meanings of Outstretch:
verbExtend or stretch out (something, especially a hand or arm).
Usage examples:
I outstretched my hand towards him
Meanings of Outstretched:
adjective(especially of a hand or arm) extended or stretched out.
Usage examples:
She reached across and shook his outstretched hand
verbExtend or stretch out (something, especially a hand or arm).
Usage examples:
I outstretched my hand towards him
Meanings of Outstretches:
verbExtend or stretch out (something, especially a hand or arm).
Usage examples:
I outstretched my hand towards him
Meanings of Outstretching:
verbExtend or stretch out (something, especially a hand or arm).
Usage examples:
I outstretched my hand towards him
Meanings of Outstride:
verbTo surpass in speed or length of stride; to stride beyond.
Meanings of Outstriding:
verbTo surpass in speed or length of stride; to stride beyond.
Meanings of Outstrike:
verbTo surpass in striking; to deal swifter or heavier blows than. now chiefly sport.
Meanings of Outstrip:
verbMove faster than and overtake (someone else).
Usage examples:
During the morning warm-up, he once again outstripped the field
Meanings of Outstripped:
verbMove faster than and overtake (someone else).
Usage examples:
During the morning warm-up, he once again outstripped the field
Meanings of Outstripping:
verbMove faster than and overtake (someone else).
Usage examples:
During the morning warm-up, he once again outstripped the field
Meanings of Outstrips:
verbMove faster than and overtake (someone else).
Usage examples:
During the morning warm-up, he once again outstripped the field
Meanings of Outstroke:
nounA stroke directed outwards; specifically the stroke of an engine which carries the piston towards the crankshaft and further out of the cylinder.
Meanings of Outsucken:
nounIn full "outsucken multure". multure payable to a particular mill for the grinding of corn grown outside its sucken. opposed to insucken.
Meanings of Outsuffer:
verbTo outdo in suffering; to suffer more than.
Meanings of Outsung:
verbSing better or louder than (someone else).
Usage examples:
Two school teams move across a large field toward each other, each trying to outsing the other
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