All English words - page 3731
Meanings of Onward:
adverbIn a continuing forward direction; ahead.
Usage examples:
She stumbled onward
adjective(of a journey) continuing or moving forward.
Usage examples:
Informing passengers where to change for their onward journey
Meanings of Onwardly:
adverbWith an onward motion; in an onward direction.
Meanings of Onwardness:
nounThe state or condition of moving, pushing, or urging onward.
Meanings of Onwards:
adverbIn a continuing forward direction; ahead.
Usage examples:
She stumbled onward
adjective(of a journey) continuing or moving forward.
Usage examples:
Informing passengers where to change for their onward journey
Meanings of Onycha:
nounAn ingredient of incense used in mosaic ritual, consisting of the opercula of marine molluscs, which emit a penetrating aroma when burnt.
Meanings of Onychia:
nounOriginally: †a whitlow affecting a fingernail or toenail; = paronychia (obsolete). later: disease, especially inflammation or infection, of the nail matrix, resulting in deformity or loss of the nail plate.
Meanings of Onychogryposis:
nounExcessive growth, accompanied by thickening and curvature, of one or more nails (usually toenails).
Meanings of Onychomycosis:
nounFungal infection of a nail, claw, or hoof; an instance of this.
Meanings of Onychopathy:
nounDisease of the fingernails or toenails; an instance of this.
Meanings of Onychophagia:
nounThe action or habit of biting one's nails.
Meanings of Onychophagist:
nounA person who bites his or her nails, especially habitually or compulsively.
Meanings of Onychophora:
plural nounA small phylum of terrestrial invertebrates which comprises the velvet worms such as peripatus. they share characteristics with the arthropods and annelids, having a long, soft segmented body with stubby legs (lobopods).
Usage examples:
Other ecdysozoan phyla include nematoda, tardigrada, and onychophora; this classification thus remo…
Meanings of Onychophoran:
nounA terrestrial invertebrate of the small phylum onychophora, which comprises the velvet worms.
Usage examples:
A number of fossils from the cambrian have been described which look more or less like onychophorans.
adjectiveRelating to or denoting onychophorans.
Usage examples:
In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, …
Meanings of Onym:
Forming nouns denoting a type of name.
Usage examples:
Meanings of Onyx:
nounA semi-precious variety of agate with different colours in layers.
Usage examples:
An onyx ashtray
Meanings of Onyxes:
nounA semi-precious variety of agate with different colours in layers.
Usage examples:
An onyx ashtray
ˈəʊəsɪstMeanings of Oocyst:
nounA cyst containing a zygote formed by a parasitic protozoan such as the malaria parasite.
Usage examples:
The goal of this study was to compare the effects of malaria oocysts and sporozoites on the two mec…
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