All English words - page 3714
Meanings of Omentosplenopexy:
nounThe surgical attachment of the greater omentum to another structure, usually in the thorax or abdomen, especially in order to increase arterial or venous circulation or to cover a defect; an instance of this.
Meanings of Omentum:
nounA fold of peritoneum connecting the stomach with other abdominal organs.
Usage examples:
Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, which revealed dilated veins in the omentum and falciform lig…
Meanings of Omentums:
nounThe layer of tissue around the stomach and intestines
Meanings of Omer:
nounAn ancient hebrew dry measure, the tenth part of an ephah.
Usage examples:
And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man…
Meanings of Omers:
nounAn ancient hebrew dry measure, the tenth part of an ephah.
Usage examples:
And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man…
Meanings of Omicron:
nounThe fifteenth letter of the greek alphabet ( ο, ο ), transliterated as ‘o’.
Meanings of Omicrons:
nounThe fifteenth letter of the greek alphabet ( ο, ο ), transliterated as ‘o’.
Meanings of Ominous:
adjectiveGiving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious.
Usage examples:
There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead
Meanings of Ominously:
adverbIn a way that suggests that something bad is going to happen.
Usage examples:
Thunderclouds loomed ominously overhead
Meanings of Omission:
nounA person or thing that has been left out or excluded.
Usage examples:
There are glaring omissions in the report
Meanings of Omissions:
nounA person or thing that has been left out or excluded.
Usage examples:
There are glaring omissions in the report
Meanings of Omit:
verbLeave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.
Usage examples:
He was omitted from the second test
Meanings of Omits:
verbLeave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.
Usage examples:
He was omitted from the second test
Meanings of Omitted:
verbLeave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.
Usage examples:
He was omitted from the second test
Past simple and past participle of omit
Meanings of Omitter:
nounA person who or (occasionally) thing which omits something.
Meanings of Omitting:
verbLeave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.
Usage examples:
He was omitted from the second test
Present participle of omit
Meanings of Ommastrephes:
adjectiveOf or relating to the squids of the family ommastrephidae, which are of medium to large size and have large terminal fins.
nounA squid of the family ommastrephidae.
Meanings of Ommastrephidae:
adjectiveOf or relating to the squids of the family ommastrephidae, which are of medium to large size and have large terminal fins.
nounA squid of the family ommastrephidae.
Meanings of Ommatidia:
nounEach of the optical units that make up the compound eye of an insect.
Usage examples:
In contrast, myriapods and chelicerates mostly lack compound eyes and the ommatidia of the few grou…
Meanings of Ommatidium:
nounEach of the optical units that make up the compound eye of an insect.
Usage examples:
In contrast, myriapods and chelicerates mostly lack compound eyes and the ommatidia of the few grou…
Meanings of Ommatophore:
nounA part of an invertebrate animal, especially a tentacle, which bears an eye.
Usage examples:
Most of the sensory cells found in the chemoreceptor of the ommatophore of helix pomatia are typica…
Meanings of Omneity:
nounThe fact or condition of being all; allness, specifically as an attribute of god. occasionally: god as an all-encompassing being.
Meanings of Omnes:
nounEveryone, all: used as a stage direction to indicate that the following words or lines should be spoken by all actors present, except (where applicable) those actors to whom they are replying or responding.
ɒm.nɪ-Meanings of Omni:
All; of all things.
Usage examples:
prefixEverywhere or everything
Usage examples:
Omnipresent, omniscient
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