All English words - page 3703
Meanings of Office-workers:
nounA person who does their job in an office rather than in a factory, etc.
Usage examples:
Office workers are seated for much of the day and have few opportunities for activity.
Meanings of Officeholder:
nounA person who holds a position of authority or service, especially within a government or government organization.
Meanings of Officeholders:
nounA person who holds a position of authority or service, especially within a government or government organization.
Meanings of Officer:
nounA person holding a position of authority, especially one with a commission, in the armed services, the mercantile marine, or on a passenger ship.
Usage examples:
He is also a serving officer in the army
verbProvide with military officers.
Usage examples:
The aristocracy wielded considerable power, officering the army
Meanings of Officered:
verbProvide with military officers.
Usage examples:
The aristocracy wielded considerable power, officering the army
nounA person holding a position of authority, especially one with a commission, in the armed services, the mercantile marine, or on a passenger ship.
Usage examples:
He is also a serving officer in the army
Meanings of Officerhood:
nounThe profession or status of an officer, especially in the armed forces.
Meanings of Officerial:
adjectiveBelonging or relating to an officer or officers; consisting of officers.
Meanings of Officering:
verbProvide with military officers.
Usage examples:
The aristocracy wielded considerable power, officering the army
nounA person holding a position of authority, especially one with a commission, in the armed services, the mercantile marine, or on a passenger ship.
Usage examples:
He is also a serving officer in the army
Meanings of Officerless:
adjectiveWithout an officer or officers.
Meanings of Officers:
nounA person holding a position of authority, especially one with a commission, in the armed services, the mercantile marine, or on a passenger ship.
Usage examples:
He is also a serving officer in the army
verbProvide with military officers.
Usage examples:
The aristocracy wielded considerable power, officering the army
Meanings of Officership:
nounThe position, rank, or profession of an officer; the function or conduct of an officer.
Meanings of Offices:
nounA room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for commercial, professional, or bureaucratic work.
Usage examples:
An office job
Meanings of Official:
adjectiveRelating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities.
Usage examples:
The prime minister's official engagements
nounA person holding public office or having official duties, especially as a representative of an organization or government department.
Usage examples:
A union official
Meanings of Official-list:
nounA written record produced each day at the london stock exchange of all the prices of stocks and shares that can be bought or sold there
Usage examples:
The exchange has failed to publish the daily official list for the past two days, owing to technica…
Meanings of Officialdom:
nounThe officials in an organization or government department, considered as a group.
Usage examples:
His many encounters with officialdom and bureaucracy
Meanings of Officialese:
nounThe formal and typically verbose style of writing considered to be characteristic of official documents, especially when it is difficult to understand.
Usage examples:
In 1979, taking a different tack, plain english campaign publicly destroyed government forms as the…
Meanings of Officialities:
nounThe office, jurisdiction, or dignity of an official principal; the court of this official, or the building in which it assembles.
Meanings of Officiality:
nounThe office, jurisdiction, or dignity of an official principal; the court of this official, or the building in which it assembles.
Meanings of Officialize:
verbMake (something) official.
Usage examples:
He officialized his resignation by handing over a letter to the club
Meanings of Officialized:
verbMake (something) official.
Usage examples:
He officialized his resignation by handing over a letter to the club
Meanings of Officializing:
verbMake (something) official.
Usage examples:
He officialized his resignation by handing over a letter to the club
Meanings of Officially:
adverbIn a formal and public way.
Usage examples:
On june 24 the election campaign will officially begin
Meanings of Officials:
nounA person holding public office or having official duties, especially as a representative of an organization or government department.
Usage examples:
A union official
adjectiveRelating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities.
Usage examples:
The prime minister's official engagements
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