All English words - page 3562
Meanings of Nils:
nounNothing, especially as the score in certain games; zero.
Usage examples:
They beat us three-nil
Usage examples:
His chance of survival was virtually nil
Meanings of Nim:
nounA game in which two players alternately take one or more objects from one of a number of heaps, each trying to take, or to compel the other to take, the last remaining object.
Usage examples:
Also at high school a friend of his father gave him a mechanical device with switching circuits tha…
Meanings of Nimbi:
nounA luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.
Usage examples:
A nimbus of power played around him, brighter than lightning
Meanings of Nimble:
adjectiveQuick and light in movement or action; agile.
Usage examples:
With a deft motion of her nimble fingers
Meanings of Nimbleness:
nounThe quality of being nimble.
Usage examples:
He is not noted for his nimbleness
Meanings of Nimbler:
adjectiveQuick and light in movement or action; agile.
Usage examples:
With a deft motion of her nimble fingers
ˈnɪm.bəlMeanings of Nimblest:
adjectiveQuick and light in movement or action; agile.
Usage examples:
With a deft motion of her nimble fingers
Meanings of Nimbly:
adverbIn a nimble way.
Usage examples:
The monkey leapt nimbly from rock to rock
nɪm.bəʊˈstrɑː.təsMeanings of Nimbostratus:
nounCloud forming a thick uniform grey layer at low altitude, from which rain or snow often falls (without any lightning or thunder).
Usage examples:
Lesser values can be recorded in between the main storm cores and from the nimbostratus.
Meanings of Nimbus:
nounA luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.
Usage examples:
A nimbus of power played around him, brighter than lightning
Meanings of Nimbuses:
nounA luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.
Usage examples:
A nimbus of power played around him, brighter than lightning
Meanings of Nimiety:
nounThe state of being more than is necessary or desirable; excess.
Usage examples:
Coleridge criticized schiller for what he called the nimiety of his blank verse
Meanings of Niminy-piminy:
adjectiveVery formal and correct in behaviour, often in a way that is not sincere
Usage examples:
The chef had no patience with customers making niminy-piminy comments about his dishes., he adopts …
Meanings of Nimkish:
nounA member of a north american indian people of the kwakiutl group inhabiting northern vancouver island.
adjectiveOf or relating to the nimpkish.
Meanings of Nimrod:
nounA skilful hunter.
Usage examples:
Nimrods take to the field after everything from prairie dogs to grizzly bears
Meanings of Nimrodian:
adjectiveResembling nimrod, especially in being an accomplished hunter; characteristic of or connected with nimrod.
Meanings of Nimrods:
nounA skilful hunter.
Usage examples:
Nimrods take to the field after everything from prairie dogs to grizzly bears
Meanings of Niña:
nounThe cooling of the water in the central and eastern pacific ocean that happens every few years and that affects the weather in many places
Meanings of Nincompoop:
nounA foolish or stupid person.
Usage examples:
And, as a reader recently suggested, it would allow movie watchers to gang up on the nincompoops wh…
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