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Meanings of Monoecious:
adjective(of a plant or invertebrate animal) having both the male and female reproductive organs in the same individual; hermaphrodite.
Usage examples:
This monoecious species has male flowers occurring in catkins and female flowers occurring in clust…
Meanings of Monoeciously:
adjective(of a plant or invertebrate animal) having both the male and female reproductive organs in the same individual; hermaphrodite.
Usage examples:
This monoecious species has male flowers occurring in catkins and female flowers occurring in clust…
Meanings of Monoenergetic:
adjective(of particles or radiation) having energies confined to a very narrow range; consisting of such particles; emitting such radiation.
Meanings of Monoester:
nounAny compound having a single ester group in its molecule.
Meanings of Monoestrous:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or designating a mammalian sexual cycle in which the periods of oestrus occur singly and at relatively long intervals, especially annually.
Meanings of Monoethanolamine:
nounA viscous high-boiling liquid, h₂ nch₂ ch₂ oh, used in making detergents; 2-aminoethanol.
Meanings of Monofil:
nounA single strand of man-made fibre.
Usage examples:
Some manufacturers have developed combinations of monofilaments and fibrillated fibers; others blen…
Meanings of Monofilament:
nounA single strand of man-made fibre.
Usage examples:
Some manufacturers have developed combinations of monofilaments and fibrillated fibers; others blen…
Meanings of Monofils:
nounA single strand of man-made fibre.
Usage examples:
Some manufacturers have developed combinations of monofilaments and fibrillated fibers; others blen…
Meanings of Monoflagellate:
adjectiveOf a cell or unicellular organism: having a single flagellum.
nounA monoflagellate protozoan.
Meanings of Monogamian:
adjectiveOf or relating to monogamy; practising monogamy, monogamous.
Meanings of Monogamic:
adjectiveOf or relating to monogamy; practising monogamy, monogamous.
Meanings of Monogamistic:
adjectiveOf or relating to monogamists or monogamy; favouring monogamy.
Meanings of Monogamous:
adjectiveInvolving marriage to one person at a time.
Usage examples:
Under canadian law all marriages must be monogamous
Meanings of Monogamously:
adverbIn a way that involves marriage to one person at a time.
Usage examples:
In the historical period, greeks were expected to marry monogamously
Meanings of Monogamy:
nounThe practice of marrying or state of being married to one person at a time.
Usage examples:
Judaism has journeyed from polygamy to strict monogamy
Meanings of Monogastric:
adjectiveOf a muscle: having a single ‘belly’ or fleshy part; (originally) specifically †designating the tensor tympani (obsolete). compare "digastric".
Meanings of Monogenean:
adjectiveRelating to a group of flukes that are chiefly external or gill parasites of fish and only require a single host.
Usage examples:
Unionicolid mites and monogenean trematodes are often found feeding upon the mantle and branchial t…
nounA monogenean fluke.
Usage examples:
Unlike monogeneans, trematodes have no opisthoaptor; instead, they are characterized by one or two …
Meanings of Monogeneity:
nounThe state or property of being monogenic.
Meanings of Monogenesis:
nounThe theory that humans are all descended from a single pair of ancestors.
Usage examples:
This seems to be the ground of his preference for monogenesis - the theory that the races are desce…
Meanings of Monogenic:
adjectiveInvolving or controlled by a single gene.
Usage examples:
Another difficulty when working with agronomically relevant traits is that many quantitative traits…
Meanings of Monogenous:
adjectiveHaving a single common origin, monophyletic; of or relating to monogenism. now only in extended use (rare).
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