All English words - page 3272
Meanings of Milometer:
nounAn instrument on a vehicle for measuring the number of miles travelled.
Usage examples:
Recently, it was improved with the fitting of an electronic milometer, a low-fuel warning light, an…
Meanings of Milord:
nounUsed to address or refer to an english nobleman.
Usage examples:
The previous occupant had been evicted to make way for the english milord and his lady
Meanings of Milords:
nounUsed to address or refer to an english nobleman.
Usage examples:
The previous occupant had been evicted to make way for the english milord and his lady
Meanings of Milpa:
nounIn central america and mexico: a small cultivated field, usually of corn or maize.
Meanings of Milpas:
nounIn central america and mexico: a small cultivated field, usually of corn or maize.
Meanings of Milquetoast:
nounA timid or feeble person.
Usage examples:
Jennings plays him as something of a milquetoast
adjectiveFeeble, insipid, or bland.
Usage examples:
A soppy, milquetoast composer
Meanings of Milquetoasts:
nounA timid or feeble person.
Usage examples:
Jennings plays him as something of a milquetoast
adjectiveFeeble, insipid, or bland.
Usage examples:
A soppy, milquetoast composer
Meanings of Milreis:
nounA former monetary unit of portugal and brazil equal to one thousand reals.
Usage examples:
In portugal, the milreis became the main unit of account by portugal, edict of 24 april 1835.
Meanings of Mils:
nounOne thousandth of an inch.
Usage examples:
She's plated in the bows with steel eighteen mil thick
Usage examples:
Use barriers made of flexible polyethylene 30 to 40 millimeters thick (60 mil for very aggressive t…
Meanings of Milt:
nounThe semen of a male fish.
Usage examples:
As she releases the eggs on the bed, the male simultaneously releases milt to fertilize them.
Meanings of Milter:
nounA male fish during the spawning season.
Usage examples:
The parent fish (both spawner and milter) would be given neither any pre-intensively nurturing nor …
Meanings of Milters:
nounA male fish during the spawning season.
Usage examples:
The parent fish (both spawner and milter) would be given neither any pre-intensively nurturing nor …
Meanings of Milton:
nounA town in central england. it was built as a new town in the 1960s.
Meanings of Miltonia:
nounA tropical south american genus of epiphytic orchids bearing large brilliantly coloured flowers; (also miltonia) an orchid of this genus.
Meanings of Miltonian:
adjectiveRelating to or characteristic of the english poet john milton or his works.
Usage examples:
A miltonian epic
Meanings of Miltonic:
adjectiveRelating to or characteristic of the english poet john milton or his works.
Usage examples:
His language sounds both miltonic and biblical
Meanings of Miltonically:
adverbIn the manner or style of milton.
Meanings of Miltonism:
nounA miltonic mode of expression; (an example of) miltonic language or style.
Meanings of Miltonist:
nounA student of or expert in the works of milton; one who admires or is influenced by milton.
Meanings of Milts:
nounThe semen of a male fish.
Usage examples:
As she releases the eggs on the bed, the male simultaneously releases milt to fertilize them.
Meanings of Milty:
adjectiveResembling or designating the milt or spleen.
Meanings of Milvine:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or designating kites, specifically those of the former group milvini or (later) the subfamily milvinae (family accipitridae).
Meanings of Milwaukee:
proper nounAn industrial port and city in south-eastern wisconsin, on the western shore of lake michigan; population 604,477 (est. 2008). it is noted for its brewing industry and is an important port on the st. lawrence seaway.
Meanings of Milwell:
nounThe cod, especially before it has been salted or cured.
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