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Meanings of Micropublisher:


A publisher of texts in microform.

Meanings of Micropublishing:


The publication of texts (books, documents, etc.) in microform.

Meanings of Micropulsation:


A small oscillation in the strength of the earth's magnetic field.

Meanings of Micropuncture:


Puncture of a renal tubule, cell, etc., with a micropipette in order to obtain a sample of its contents; frequently attributive.

Meanings of Micropyle:


A small opening in the surface of an ovule, through which the pollen tube penetrates, often visible as a small pore in the ripe seed.

Usage examples:

It remains to be studied exactly how the pollen tubes reach the micropyle of the ovules.

Meanings of Microradiograph:


A photographic enlargement of a microradiogram.

Meanings of Microradiographic:


Of or obtained by microradiography.

Meanings of Microradiography:


Radiography of the fine structure of an object.

Meanings of Microreader:


An apparatus for producing an enlarged readable image from a microfilm or microprint.

Usage examples:

The three microreaders available in the library are fully occupied most of the time.

Meanings of Microrefractometer:


A refractometer designed for examining microscopic objects.

Meanings of Microrhabdus:


A rodlike microsclere found in certain sponges.

Meanings of Micros:


A microcomputer.

Usage examples:

In my case, as with most pcie motherboards, this is not an issue as unless it's a micro, there shou…

Extremely small.

Usage examples:

A micro buffet area

Meanings of Microsaurian:


Designating or belonging to the order microsauria of fossil amphibians; of or relating to microsaurs.

Meanings of Microscale:


A relatively small or detailed scale.

Usage examples:

Economics on the microscale is actually just common sense

On or characterized by a relatively small or detailed scale.

Usage examples:

Meteorologists say such inaccuracy is unavoidable as microscale weather prediction still remains a …

Meanings of Microsclere:


A small, isolated spicule of a sponge.

Meanings of Microscope:


An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.

Usage examples:

The paper shows that positrons can see defects better than either optical or electron beam microsco…

Meanings of Microscopes:


An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.

Usage examples:

The paper shows that positrons can see defects better than either optical or electron beam microsco…

Meanings of Microscopic:


So small as to be visible only with a microscope.

Usage examples:

Microscopic algae

Meanings of Microscopical:


Relating to a microscope or its use.

Usage examples:

The cells were smeared on microscopical slides

Meanings of Microscopically:


In a way that uses or can only be seen with a microscope (= a device that makes very small objects look larger)

Usage examples:

Microscopically small, microscopically, both kidneys showed many small scars., everyone is going to…

Meanings of Microscopium:

proper noun

A small and inconspicuous southern constellation (the microscope), between piscis austrinus and sagittarius.


Used with preceding greek letter or numeral to designate a star in the constellation microscopium.

Usage examples:

The star gamma microscopii

Meanings of Microscopy:


The use of the microscope.

Usage examples:

The recesses and interior areas of an object may be viewed using video microscopy, employing an opt…

Meanings of Microsecond:


One millionth of a second.

Usage examples:

The initial collapse is followed by two fast (tens of microseconds and hundreds of nanoseconds) reo…

Meanings of Microseconds:


One millionth of a second.

Usage examples:

The initial collapse is followed by two fast (tens of microseconds and hundreds of nanoseconds) reo…

Meanings of Microsegment:


A unit of sound enclosed between two open junctures.

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