All English words - page 3174
Meanings of Mediations:
nounIntervention in a dispute in order to resolve it; arbitration.
Usage examples:
The parties have sought mediation and it has failed
Meanings of Mediatisation:
nounIn germany under the holy roman empire: the action of reducing a prince or state in position or power; the condition of being mediatized.
Meanings of Mediatise:
verbIn germany under the holy roman empire: to reduce (a prince or state) from the position of an immediate vassal of the empire to that of a mediate vassal (now historical). hence: to annex (a state) leaving the former government or ruler a title and (usually) some authority; also in extended use.
Meanings of Mediatised:
adjectiveOf a prince or state: reduced in power or position. compare mediatize .
Meanings of Mediative:
adjectiveThat mediates, that has the quality of mediating.
Meanings of Mediatization:
nounIn germany under the holy roman empire: the action of reducing a prince or state in position or power; the condition of being mediatized.
Meanings of Mediatize:
verbIn germany under the holy roman empire: to reduce (a prince or state) from the position of an immediate vassal of the empire to that of a mediate vassal (now historical). hence: to annex (a state) leaving the former government or ruler a title and (usually) some authority; also in extended use.
Meanings of Mediatized:
adjectiveOf a prince or state: reduced in power or position. compare mediatize .
Meanings of Mediatizing:
verbIn germany under the holy roman empire: to reduce (a prince or state) from the position of an immediate vassal of the empire to that of a mediate vassal (now historical). hence: to annex (a state) leaving the former government or ruler a title and (usually) some authority; also in extended use.
Meanings of Mediator:
nounA person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between.
Usage examples:
The government appointed a mediator to assist in finding a resolution to the dispute
Meanings of Mediatorial:
adjectiveOf, relating to, resembling, or characteristic of a mediator or mediation.
Meanings of Mediators:
nounA person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between.
Usage examples:
The government appointed a mediator to assist in finding a resolution to the dispute
Meanings of Mediatorship:
nounThe office or position of a mediator.
Meanings of Medic:
nounA medical practitioner or student.
Usage examples:
Equally, though no-one would begrudge mature students retraining as medics, it is fanciful to suppo…
Meanings of Medicable:
adjectiveAble to be treated or cured medically.
Usage examples:
We're no longer sure whether despair is a sin, as the bible says, or a medicable illness, or a rati…
Meanings of Medicaid:
proper noun(in the us) a federal system of health insurance for people requiring financial assistance.
Usage examples:
And much of that is going to come out of your own pocket unless you qualify for medicare or medicaid.
nounA government service in the us for poor people that pays for their medical treatment
Meanings of Medical:
adjectiveRelating to the science or practice of medicine.
Usage examples:
A medical centre
nounAn examination to assess a person's state of physical health or fitness.
Usage examples:
They have medicals before they're sent overseas
Meanings of Medical-officer:
nounAn examination of a person's body by a doctor in order to discover if that person is healthy, sometimes done before a person can be accepted for a ...
Meanings of Medical-practitioner:
nounAn examination of a person's body by a doctor in order to discover if that person is healthy, sometimes done before a person can be accepted for a ...
Meanings of Medical-science:
nounAn examination of a person's body by a doctor in order to discover if that person is healthy, sometimes done before a person can be accepted for a ...
Meanings of Medically:
adverbIn a way that relates to the science or practice of medicine.
Usage examples:
Medically trained staff
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