All English words - page 316
Meanings of Apomorphine:
nounA white crystalline compound used as an emetic and in the treatment of parkinsonism.
Usage examples:
Inspiratory muscle strength improves during an infusion of apomorphine, a direct stimulant of dopam…
Meanings of Aponeuroses:
nounA sheet of pearly white fibrous tissue that takes the place of a tendon in flat muscles having a wide area of attachment.
Usage examples:
The superficial branch, which forms the superficial palmer arch, descends a short distance into the…
Meanings of Aponeurosis:
nounA sheet of pearly white fibrous tissue that takes the place of a tendon in flat muscles having a wide area of attachment.
Usage examples:
The superficial branch, which forms the superficial palmer arch, descends a short distance into the…
Meanings of Apophatic:
adjective(of knowledge of god) obtained through negating concepts that might be applied to him.
Usage examples:
Denys turner, for one, claims these apophatic experiences are not inner experiences at all but rath…
Meanings of Apophthegm:
nounA concise saying or maxim; an aphorism.
Usage examples:
The apophthegm ‘tomorrow is another day’
Meanings of Apophyllite:
nounA mineral occurring typically as white glassy prisms, usually as a secondary mineral in volcanic rocks. it is a hydrated silicate and fluoride of calcium and potassium.
Usage examples:
Most of the cavities are filled or lined with crystalline formations of various zeolites, such as s…
Meanings of Apophyses:
nounA natural protuberance from a bone, or inside the shell or exoskeleton of a sea urchin or insect, for the attachment of muscles.
Usage examples:
In younger patients, nonossified bone present at growth plates such as the femoral head epiphysis a…
Meanings of Apophysis:
nounA natural protuberance from a bone, or inside the shell or exoskeleton of a sea urchin or insect, for the attachment of muscles.
Usage examples:
In younger patients, nonossified bone present at growth plates such as the femoral head epiphysis a…
Meanings of Apoplectic:
adjectiveOvercome with anger; furious.
Usage examples:
Mark was apoplectic with rage at the decision
Meanings of Apoplexies:
nounUnconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral haemorrhage or stroke.
Usage examples:
Browne died of apoplexy
Meanings of Apoplexy:
nounUnconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral haemorrhage or stroke.
Usage examples:
Browne died of apoplexy
Meanings of Aporetic:
adjectiveCharacterized by an irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction.
Usage examples:
The aporetic conflict of law and morality
Meanings of Aporia:
nounAn irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction in a text, argument, or theory.
Usage examples:
The celebrated aporia whereby a cretan declares all cretans to be liars
Meanings of Aporias:
nounAn irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction in a text, argument, or theory.
Usage examples:
The celebrated aporia whereby a cretan declares all cretans to be liars
Meanings of Aposematic:
adjectiveDenoting coloration or markings serving to warn or repel predators.
Usage examples:
Alternatively, they may be used to signal to predators, the classic example being aposematic colora…
Meanings of Aposiopeses:
nounThe device of suddenly breaking off in speech.
Usage examples:
In coping with the unsaid and unsayable, oral history is impelled towards aposiopesis
Meanings of Aposiopesis:
nounThe device of suddenly breaking off in speech.
Usage examples:
In coping with the unsaid and unsayable, oral history is impelled towards aposiopesis
Meanings of Aposporogony:
nounThe asexual process of spore formation in parasitic sporozoans.
Usage examples:
In at least two, widely divergent systems, electron-dense extracellular tubules have been observed …
Meanings of Apostasies:
nounThe abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
The execution of their leader for apostasy brought widespread criticism
Meanings of Apostasy:
nounThe abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
The execution of their leader for apostasy brought widespread criticism
Meanings of Apostate:
nounA person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
After fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith
adjectiveAbandoning a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
An apostate roman catholic
Meanings of Apostates:
nounA person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
After fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith
adjectiveAbandoning a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
An apostate roman catholic
Meanings of Apostatise:
verbRenounce a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
The property of wealthy christians was liable to confiscation unless they apostatized
Meanings of Apostatised:
verbRenounce a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
The property of wealthy christians was liable to confiscation unless they apostatized
Meanings of Apostatising:
verbRenounce a religious or political belief or principle.
Usage examples:
The property of wealthy christians was liable to confiscation unless they apostatized
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