All English words - page 3159
Meanings of Mazurkas:
nounA lively polish dance in triple time.
Usage examples:
The recital consists of essentially triple-time dance music - mazurkas, waltzes, and polonaises - a…
Meanings of Mazut:
nounIn russia: a viscous liquid left as a residue after the distillation of petroleum, used as a fuel oil and coarse lubricant.
Meanings of Mazy:
adjectiveLike a maze; labyrinthine.
Usage examples:
The mazy old fishing quarter
Meanings of Mazzinian:
nounA follower or supporter of giuseppe mazzini.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or supporting mazzini or his patriotic and revolutionary views, especially his advocacy of a united republican italy.
Meanings of Mazzinianism:
nounThe principles or methods of mazzini or mazzinians.
ˈmɛɡəbʌɪtMeanings of Mb:
nounA unit of information equal to one million or, strictly, 1,048,576 bytes.
Meanings of Mbira:
noun(especially in southern africa) another term for thumb piano.
Meanings of Mbiras:
noun(especially in southern africa) another term for thumb piano.
Meanings of Mbps:
abbreviationMegabits per second.
Usage examples:
Speeds would range from 10 megabits per second to 100 mbps.
ɛmˈsiːMeanings of Mc:
nounA miscarriage (particularly used in online forums).
Usage examples:
I suffered a mc at 13 weeks last year
abbreviationMegacycle(s), a unit of frequency equal to one million cycles.
verbPerform as an mc.
Usage examples:
He's mc'd at all of our parties
Meanings of Mccarthyism:
nounA vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the us government and other institutions carried out under senator joseph mccarthy in the period 1950–4. many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, though most did not in fact belong to the communist party.
Usage examples:
Computergate was a chilling welcome to a new mccarthyism, a mccarthyism not run by a centralized po…
Meanings of Mcg:
nounAbbreviation for microgram: one millionth (1/1,000,000) of a gram
Meanings of Mcintosh:
nounA deep red dessert apple of a canadian variety.
Usage examples:
Empire combines the mild tartness of mcintosh with red delicious sweetness.
ˌmɛndəˈliːvɪəmMeanings of Md:
abbreviationDoctor of medicine.
Usage examples:
He attained the degree of md
nounThe chemical element of atomic number 101, a radioactive metal of the actinide series. it does not occur naturally and was first made in 1955 by bombarding einsteinium with helium ions.
The chemical element mendelevium.
ɛmˈiːMeanings of Me:
pronounUsed by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition.
Usage examples:
Do you understand me?
noun(in tonic sol-fa) the third note of a major scale.
Meanings of Me-time:
nounTime spent relaxing on one's own as opposed to working or doing things for others, seen as an opportunity to reduce stress or restore energy.
Usage examples:
Schedule some me time when you get home
Meanings of Mea-culpa:
idiomAn acknowledgment of your error or guilt
exclamationUsed as an acknowledgement of one's fault or error.
Usage examples:
‘well, whose fault was that?’ ‘mea culpa!’ frank said
Meanings of Meaching:
adjectiveSkulking, furtive; mean, cheap, contemptible; poor, obsequious.
Meanings of Meacon:
nounA radio beacon used by the royal air force in the second world war (1939–45) to intercept and redirect enemy navigational signals.
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