All English words - page 3153
Meanings of Matriculations:
nounThe action of matriculating at a college or university.
Usage examples:
Matriculation requirements
Meanings of Matriculator:
nounA person who matriculates; a matriculant.
Meanings of Matrilateral:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or designating a relationship (especially a marriage between cousins) in which a mother and one of her siblings or other relatives are both involved as parents.
Meanings of Matrilineal:
adjectiveOf or based on kinship with the mother or the female line.
Usage examples:
A society founded on the matrilineal kinship principle
Meanings of Matrilinies:
nounThe observance of matrilineal descent and kinship.
Meanings of Matriliny:
nounThe observance of matrilineal descent and kinship.
Meanings of Matrilocal:
adjectiveOf or denoting a custom in marriage whereby the husband goes to live with the wife's community.
Usage examples:
In one of the most pertinent examples of this, anthropologists criticised matrilocal residence amon…
Meanings of Matrimonial:
adjectiveRelating to marriage or married people.
Usage examples:
The matrimonial home
Meanings of Matrimony:
nounThe state of being married; marriage.
Usage examples:
The joys of matrimony
Meanings of Matriotism:
nounLove for one's country, university, or other institution regarded in the role of a mother.
Meanings of Matrix:
nounThe cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops.
Usage examples:
Oxbridge was the matrix of the ideology
Meanings of Matrixes:
nounThe cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops.
Usage examples:
Oxbridge was the matrix of the ideology
Plural of matrix specialized
Meanings of Matrixing:
nounThe action of combining signals in different proportions, so as to obtain one or more linear combinations.
Meanings of Matroclinous:
adjectiveResembling the female parent more closely than the male; possessing or exhibiting a tendency to inherit a character or characters from the mother only.
Meanings of Matroid:
nounA mathematical entity consisting of a finite set e together with a collection ℐ of subsets of e such that (i) the empty set is a member of ℐ, (ii) any subset of a member of ℐ is also a member of ℐ, and (iii) if two subsets i₁ and i₂ are in ℐ, where the cardinality of i₁ is less than that of i₂, then there exists an element e that is in i₂ but not i₁ such that the union of i₁ with { e } is also an element of ℐ.
Meanings of Matron:
nounA woman in charge of domestic and medical arrangements at a boarding school or other institution.
Usage examples:
She initiated training for matrons of residential homes
Meanings of Matronage:
nounThe condition of being a matron; matronly behaviour; matronhood.
Meanings of Matronalia:
nounA roman festival in honour of the goddess juno, on which day husbands traditionally gave presents to their wives.
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