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Meanings of Malkin:


A mop; a bundle of rags fastened to the end of a stick, especially for cleaning out a baker's oven. regional in later use.

Meanings of Malkins:


A mop; a bundle of rags fastened to the end of a stick, especially for cleaning out a baker's oven. regional in later use.



Meanings of Mall:


A large enclosed shopping area from which traffic is excluded.

Usage examples:

Once your store is in every mall, how do you get more growth - especially if the chain is narrowly …

Meanings of Malladrite:


A trigonal fluosilicate of sodium, na₂ sif₆, occurring as pale rose-coloured crusts on lava.

Meanings of Mallam:


(in nigeria and other parts of africa) a learned man or scribe.

Usage examples:

So yinka, redirect your frustration somewhere else but not to the mallams or the northerners.

Meanings of Mallard:


The commonest duck of the northern hemisphere, the male having a dark green head and white collar.

Usage examples:

We saw lots of waterfowl, mostly canada geese and mallards with the odd gadwall.

Meanings of Mallardite:


A monoclinic hydrated sulphate of manganese, usually occurring as rose-coloured fibrous masses and crusts.

Meanings of Mallards:


The commonest duck of the northern hemisphere, the male having a dark green head and white collar.

Usage examples:

We saw lots of waterfowl, mostly canada geese and mallards with the odd gadwall.

Meanings of Malleability:


The ability to be easily changed into a new shape

Usage examples:

The material's surprising malleability was previously unknown., gold has amazing physical propertie…

Meanings of Malleable:


(of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or cracking.

Usage examples:

A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet

Meanings of Malleableize:


To make malleable.

Meanings of Malleableized:


Made malleable; especially (of cast iron) converted to malleable cast iron.

Meanings of Malleableizing:


The process of making something malleable; especially the conversion of cast iron into malleable iron.

Meanings of Malleableness:



Meanings of Malleablize:


To make malleable.

Meanings of Malleablizing:


The process of making something malleable; especially the conversion of cast iron into malleable iron.

Meanings of Malleal:


Of or relating to the malleus of the ear.

Meanings of Mallear:


Of or relating to the malleus of the ear; = malleal .

Meanings of Malleate:


Of the jaws of a rotifer: having well-developed, stout mallei.


To beat with a hammer; specifically to beat (metal) thin or flat.

Meanings of Malleated:


Of the jaws of a rotifer: having well-developed, stout mallei.


To beat with a hammer; specifically to beat (metal) thin or flat.

Meanings of Malleating:


Of the jaws of a rotifer: having well-developed, stout mallei.


To beat with a hammer; specifically to beat (metal) thin or flat.

Meanings of Malleation:


The action of beating something with a hammer; the condition of being marked or dented as with a hammer. now chiefly archaeology.

Meanings of Mallecho:


Probably: wrongdoing, misdeeds. in later use in allusion to shakespeare's miching malicho and taken to be generally suggestive of dark deeds, mystery, or intrigue, and used in these senses.

Meanings of Mallee:


A low-growing bushy australian eucalyptus which has several slender stems.

Usage examples:

Trees and acacia species were planted 1m apart and mallees were planted 0.5m apart in view of later…

Meanings of Mallees:


A low-growing bushy australian eucalyptus which has several slender stems.

Usage examples:

Trees and acacia species were planted 1m apart and mallees were planted 0.5m apart in view of later…

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