All English words - page 2899
Meanings of Lateens:
nounA triangular sail on a long yard at an angle of 45° to the mast.
Usage examples:
Also, the fore-and-aft sail on the mizzenmast, originally a triangular lateen sail, was changed to …
Meanings of Lately:
adverbRecently; not long ago.
Usage examples:
She hasn't been looking too well lately
Meanings of Latencies:
nounThe state of existing but not yet being developed or manifest; concealment.
Usage examples:
Tension, and the latency of violence, make the greatest impressions
Meanings of Latency:
nounThe state of existing but not yet being developed or manifest; concealment.
Usage examples:
Tension, and the latency of violence, make the greatest impressions
Meanings of Lateness:
nounThe fact or quality of happening or arriving after the expected or usual time; unpunctuality.
Usage examples:
She wouldn't tolerate lateness in her class
Meanings of Latensification:
nounIntensification of an existing weak latent image on a photographic film or plate, typically by treatment with a chemical or by prolonged exposure to light.
Meanings of Latent:
adjective(of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed.
Usage examples:
They have a huge reserve of latent talent
Meanings of Later:
exclamationComparative of late (adjective).
combining formDenoting a person who worships a specified thing.
Usage examples:
adverbDoing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time.
Usage examples:
His late arrival
Meanings of Later-on:
phraseAt a time in the future, or after the time you have mentioned
Usage examples:
What are you doing later on this evening?, shall i go and fetch her later on?, later on, we could g…
Meanings of Later-than:
phraseNot after
Usage examples:
She said she'd prefer us to arrive no later than nine o'clock., you must complete the forms as soon…
Meanings of Lateral:
adjectiveOf, at, towards, or from the side or sides.
Usage examples:
The plant takes up water through its lateral roots
noun(of a consonant, especially the english clear l ) pronounced with partial closure of the air passage by the tongue, which is so placed as to allow the breath to flow on one or both sides of the point of contact.
Meanings of Lateraled:
adjectiveOf, at, towards, or from the side or sides.
Usage examples:
The plant takes up water through its lateral roots
nounA side part of something, especially a shoot or branch growing out from the side of a stem.
Usage examples:
Cut back all the laterals to within two buds of the main stem
Meanings of Lateraling:
adjectiveOf, at, towards, or from the side or sides.
Usage examples:
The plant takes up water through its lateral roots
nounA side part of something, especially a shoot or branch growing out from the side of a stem.
Usage examples:
Cut back all the laterals to within two buds of the main stem
Meanings of Lateralis:
adjectiveA latin word meaning "lateral" (= relating to the sides of an object or to sideways movement), used in medical names and descriptions
Meanings of Laterality:
nounDominance of one side of the brain in controlling particular activities or functions, or of one of a pair of organs such as the eyes or hands.
Usage examples:
Table 1 presents the data for the muscle stiffness index of the left and right sides, laterality, a…
Meanings of Lateralize:
verb(of the brain) show laterality.
Usage examples:
Male brains are more lateralized than those of females
Meanings of Lateralized:
verb(of the brain) show laterality.
Usage examples:
Male brains are more lateralized than those of females
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