All English words - page 2858
Meanings of Kyoto:
proper nounAn industrial city in central japan, on the island of honshu; population 1,389,595 (2007). founded in the 8th century, it was the imperial capital from 794 until 1868.
nounAn agreement made in 1997 among a large number of countries to limit carbon emissions (= carbon dioxide that planes, cars, factories, etc. produce) and reduce the effects of climate change
Usage examples:
His opposition to the kyoto protocol comes from the state's economic dependence on the coal industry.
Meanings of Kyphosis:
nounExcessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.
Usage examples:
Patients with postural kyphosis can generally correct the kyphosis by making a conscious effort to …
Meanings of Kyrie:
nounA short repeated invocation (in greek or in translation) used in many christian liturgies, especially at the beginning of the eucharist or as a response in a litany.
Usage examples:
We then had the collect for purity, after which the choir sang a musical setting of a ninefold kyrie.
Meanings of Kyries:
nounA short repeated invocation (in greek or in translation) used in many christian liturgies, especially at the beginning of the eucharist or as a response in a litany.
Usage examples:
We then had the collect for purity, after which the choir sang a musical setting of a ninefold kyrie.
kʌɪtMeanings of Kyu:
nounA numbered grade of the less advanced level of proficiency in judo, karate, and other martial arts.
Usage examples:
Yes, we require a certain number of practice hours and a test for promotion to kyu and dan ranks.
ˈliːtəMeanings of L:
abbreviation(giving position or direction) left.
Usage examples:
L to r: gordon, anthony, and mark
nounThe twelfth letter of the alphabet.
Avogadro's constant.
ˈlanθənəmMeanings of La:
noun(in tonic sol-fa) the sixth note of a major scale.
The chemical element lanthanum.
Meanings of La-di-da:
adjectiveUsed to describe speech or behaviour that is not sincere because the person is pretending to belong to a higher social class
Meanings of Laager:
nounAn encampment formed by a circle of wagons.
Usage examples:
They had captured the boer laagers and set their ammunition dump alight.
verbForm (vehicles) into a laager.
Usage examples:
Van rensburg's wagons were not laagered, but scattered about
Meanings of Laagered:
verbForm (vehicles) into a laager.
Usage examples:
Van rensburg's wagons were not laagered, but scattered about
nounAn encampment formed by a circle of wagons.
Usage examples:
They had captured the boer laagers and set their ammunition dump alight.
Meanings of Laagering:
verbForm (vehicles) into a laager.
Usage examples:
Van rensburg's wagons were not laagered, but scattered about
nounAn encampment formed by a circle of wagons.
Usage examples:
They had captured the boer laagers and set their ammunition dump alight.
Meanings of Laagers:
nounAn encampment formed by a circle of wagons.
Usage examples:
They had captured the boer laagers and set their ammunition dump alight.
verbForm (vehicles) into a laager.
Usage examples:
Van rensburg's wagons were not laagered, but scattered about
Meanings of Lab:
nounA laboratory.
Usage examples:
A science lab
abbreviation(in the context of party politics) labour.
Meanings of Labadist:
nounA member of a communistic protestant sect holding pietist views founded by the french mystic jean de labadie and active until the 1730s.
Meanings of Labaria:
nounAny of several highly venomous snakes (pit vipers and coral snakes) of central and south america; especially the fer de lance, bothrops atrox.
Meanings of Labarum:
nounThe imperial standard of constantine the great, which bore christian symbolic imagery fused with the military symbols of the roman empire.
Usage examples:
Also the labarums the romans have are missing an actual chi-rho on the top of the pole and instead …
Meanings of Labarums:
nounThe imperial standard of constantine the great, which bore christian symbolic imagery fused with the military symbols of the roman empire.
Usage examples:
Also the labarums the romans have are missing an actual chi-rho on the top of the pole and instead …
Meanings of Labba:
nounA large neotropical rodent, cuniculus paca, related to the agoutis and valued for its meat.
Meanings of Labby:
nounA gambling system in which a player bets in such a way that any win would cover two losses. compare labouchere , "martingale".
Meanings of Labdanum:
nounA gum resin obtained from the twigs of a southern european rock rose, used in perfumery and for fumigation.
Usage examples:
It's a full-bodied, grown-up, proper ladies' fragrance that's a quiet storm of spices and resins, w…
Meanings of Labdanums:
nounA gum resin obtained from the twigs of a southern european rock rose, used in perfumery and for fumigation.
Usage examples:
It's a full-bodied, grown-up, proper ladies' fragrance that's a quiet storm of spices and resins, w…
Meanings of Labefaction:
nounDeterioration or downfall.
Usage examples:
Several experts have been brought in to plan the labefaction of napoleon.
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