All English words - page 2552
Meanings of Ile:
suffixForming adjectives and nouns such as agile and juvenile.
Usage examples:
Meanings of Ilea:
nounThe third portion of the small intestine, between the jejunum and the caecum.
Usage examples:
The midgut eventually develops into distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, appendix, ascending co…
Plural of ileum specialized
Meanings of Ileitis:
nounInflammation of the ileum.
Usage examples:
A woman patient of ours had had multiple operations on her bowel for ileitis and colitis induced by…
Meanings of Ileostomies:
nounA surgical operation in which a damaged part is removed from the ileum and the cut end diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall.
Usage examples:
Mucosal atrophy may result when dietary sources of fatty acids are lacking or when the fecal stream…
Meanings of Ileostomy:
nounA surgical operation in which a damaged part is removed from the ileum and the cut end diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall.
Usage examples:
Mucosal atrophy may result when dietary sources of fatty acids are lacking or when the fecal stream…
Meanings of Ileum:
nounThe third portion of the small intestine, between the jejunum and the caecum.
Usage examples:
The midgut eventually develops into distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, appendix, ascending co…
Meanings of Ileus:
nounA painful obstruction of the ileum or other part of the intestine.
Usage examples:
Gastric retention occurs in many gastric lesions besides outlet obstruction, like gastritis and gas…
Meanings of Ilex:
nounThe holm oak.
Usage examples:
It is made from the dried, pulverized bodies of a scale insect, coccus ilicis, which is a parasite …
Meanings of Ilexes:
nounThe holm oak.
Usage examples:
It is made from the dried, pulverized bodies of a scale insect, coccus ilicis, which is a parasite …
Meanings of Ilia:
nounThe large broad bone forming the upper part of each half of the pelvis.
Usage examples:
This tilting of the pelvis is effected by the gluteal muscles, which connect the ilium of the hip b…
Meanings of Iliac:
adjectiveRelating to the ilium or the nearby regions of the lower body.
Usage examples:
The iliac artery
Meanings of Iliacus:
nounA triangular muscle which passes from the pelvis through the groin on either side and, together with the psoas, flexes the hip.
Usage examples:
The femoral nerve may run buried in a cleft of the iliacus under the psoas.
Meanings of Iliad:
proper nounA greek hexameter epic poem in twenty-four books, traditionally ascribed to homer, telling how achilles killed hector at the climax of the trojan war.
Meanings of Iliocostalis:
nounA muscle with three parts in the back that keeps the main part of the body up straight
Meanings of Iliofemoral:
adjectiveRelating to the ilium (= the widest of the three bones that form the pelvis) and femur (= the long bone in the upper part of the leg)
Usage examples:
The iliofemoral ligament, the iliofemoral artery
Meanings of Iliohypogastric:
adjectiveRelating to the iliac areas of the abdomen (= stomach area) and hypogastrium (= lower part of the abdomen)
Usage examples:
An iliohypogastric nerve
Meanings of Ilioinguinal:
adjectiveRelating to areas of the body around the hip and groin (= where the legs join the body)
Usage examples:
An ilioinguinal nerve
Meanings of Iliolumbar:
adjectiveRelating to the hip or lower back areas of the body
Usage examples:
An iliolumbar ligament
Meanings of Iliopectineal:
adjectiveRelating to the hip and pubis (= the lower central bone of the pelvis)
Usage examples:
The iliopectineal ligaments
Meanings of Iliopsoas:
nounOne of a pair of muscles that bends and turns the thigh and the spine at the level of the lower back
Meanings of Iliotibial:
adjectiveRelating to the area between the hip and the tibia (= the large bone at the front of the lower leg)
Usage examples:
The iliotibial band
Meanings of Ilium:
nounThe large broad bone forming the upper part of each half of the pelvis.
Usage examples:
This tilting of the pelvis is effected by the gluteal muscles, which connect the ilium of the hip b…
Meanings of Ilk:
nounA type of person or thing similar to one already referred to.
Usage examples:
The veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at
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