All English words - page 2528
Meanings of Hypochlorite:
nounA salt of hypochlorous acid.
Usage examples:
The eggs were prepared using alkaline hypochlorite
Meanings of Hypochondria:
nounAbnormal chronic anxiety about one's health.
Usage examples:
This week's feature is one from myself, all about hypochondria and health anxiety.
Meanings of Hypochondriac:
nounA person who is abnormally anxious about their health.
Usage examples:
It has been the hot tech topic for hypochondriacs and health buffs for years.
adjectiveAnother term for hypochondriacal.
Meanings of Hypochondriacal:
adjectiveOf or affected by hypochondria.
Usage examples:
She was extremely hypochondriacal
Meanings of Hypochondriacs:
nounA person who is abnormally anxious about their health.
Usage examples:
It has been the hot tech topic for hypochondriacs and health buffs for years.
Meanings of Hypochondrial:
adjectiveDesignating each of the two regions of the upper abdomen which lie beneath the ribs on either side of the epigastrium; arising or located in a hypochondrium.
Meanings of Hypochondriasis:
nounTechnical term for hypochondria.
Meanings of Hypochondrium:
nounIn a human or other vertebrate: either of the two regions of the upper abdomen located beneath the ribs on either side of the epigastrium.
Meanings of Hypochondry:
nounIn a human or other vertebrate: either of the two regions of the upper abdomen located beneath the ribs on either side of the epigastrium.
Meanings of Hypocorism:
nounA familiar or diminutive form of a name; a pet name.
Usage examples:
The most prominent name in this regard is offa, very clearly a full name here rather than a hypocor…
Meanings of Hypocoristic:
adjectiveOf the nature of a pet name or diminutive form of a name.
Usage examples:
The hypocoristic types differ both in their affective/emotive connotations and in who uses them.
nounDenoting or of the nature of a pet name or diminutive form of a name.
Meanings of Hypocotyl:
nounThe part of the stem of an embryo plant beneath the stalks of the seed leaves or cotyledons and directly above the root.
Usage examples:
A wide variety of organs from various plant species were analysed: roots, stems, hypocotyls, leaves…
Meanings of Hypocrisies:
nounThe practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
Usage examples:
His target was the hypocrisy of suburban life
Meanings of Hypocrisy:
nounThe practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
Usage examples:
His target was the hypocrisy of suburban life
Meanings of Hypocrite:
nounA hypocritical person.
Usage examples:
The story tells of respectable ben who turns out to be a cheat and a hypocrite
Meanings of Hypocrites:
nounA hypocritical person.
Usage examples:
The story tells of respectable ben who turns out to be a cheat and a hypocrite
Meanings of Hypocritical:
adjectiveBehaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
Usage examples:
We don't go to church and we thought it would be hypocritical to have him christened
Meanings of Hypocritically:
adverbIn a way that shows that particular moral beliefs you say you have are not sincere
Usage examples:
People who hypocritically claim to despise scandal still buy tabloid newspapers to read about it., …
Meanings of Hypocycloid:
nounThe curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which is rolling on the interior of another circle.
Usage examples:
It was also investigated by steiner in 1856 and is sometimes called steiner's hypocycloid.
Meanings of Hypodermic:
adjectiveRelating to the region immediately beneath the skin.
Usage examples:
Tpni 6a exons, the transcripts of which are mainly expressed in larval hypodermic muscles, may have…
nounA hypodermic syringe or injection.
Usage examples:
The hypodermics left strewn around the piazza
Meanings of Hypodermics:
nounA hypodermic syringe or injection.
Usage examples:
The hypodermics left strewn around the piazza
adjectiveRelating to the region immediately beneath the skin.
Usage examples:
Tpni 6a exons, the transcripts of which are mainly expressed in larval hypodermic muscles, may have…
Meanings of Hypogastria:
nounThe part of the central abdomen which is situated below the region of the stomach.
Usage examples:
We used a trocarless puncture in the hypogastrium to pass the distal aortic clamp.
Meanings of Hypogastric:
adjectiveRelating to the part of the central abdomen which is situated below the region of the stomach.
Usage examples:
Hypogastric arteries
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