All English words - page 2494
Meanings of Housemaiding:
nounThe action of being a housemaid; housework; this as an occupation.
Meanings of Housemaids:
nounA female domestic employee, especially one who cleans reception rooms and bedrooms.
Usage examples:
As our family grew we'd hired more servants so that now we had a parlourmaid, two housemaids, two k…
Meanings of Housemaster:
nounA male teacher in charge of a house at a boarding school.
Usage examples:
From the age of 11, i went to a boarding school in hampshire, where i kicked against my housemaster…
Meanings of Housemastership:
nounThe position or office of a housemaster.
Meanings of Housemate:
nounA person who shares a house with others.
Usage examples:
Stu enters and makes some snide comment about the intimacy that his housemates share.
Meanings of Housemating:
nounThe action or condition of living as housemates.
ˈhaʊsˌmɪs.trəsMeanings of Housemistress:
nounA female teacher in charge of a house at a boarding school.
Usage examples:
She was a housemistress at cheltenham ladies' college
Meanings of Housemother:
nounA woman in charge of and living in a boarding school house or children's home.
Meanings of Housemotherly:
adjectiveResembling a housemother; characteristic of a housemother.
Meanings of Housemothers:
nounA woman in charge of and living in a boarding school house or children's home.
Meanings of Houseowner:
nounA person who owns a house, especially the house in which they live.
Usage examples:
Reports are also rising of houseowners with expensive cars being threatened with guns at their homes.
Meanings of Houseparent:
nounA housemother or housefather.
Usage examples:
Following the deal, unions sought confirmation from the department of health that the new arrangeme…
Meanings of Houseplant:
nounA plant which is grown indoors.
Usage examples:
To keep the strawberry hoop house plants healthy and growing fast, wells applies fertilizer in late…
Meanings of Houser:
nounA person who or thing which builds a house or houses; a builder.
Meanings of Houseroom:
nounSpace or accommodation in one's house.
Usage examples:
In short it turns out that play hardware occupies houseroom in a wholly different and much less eff…
Meanings of Housers:
nounA person who or thing which builds a house or houses; a builder.
Meanings of Houses:
nounA building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.
Usage examples:
My wife and i are moving to a new house
verbOld-fashioned term for bingo.
Meanings of Housesat:
verbLive in and look after a house while its owner is away.
Usage examples:
I'm house-sitting for a friend of a friend
Meanings of Housesit:
verbLive in and look after a house while its owner is away.
Usage examples:
I'm house-sitting for a friend of a friend
Meanings of Housesits:
verbLive in and look after a house while its owner is away.
Usage examples:
I'm house-sitting for a friend of a friend
Meanings of Housesitting:
verbLive in and look after a house while its owner is away.
Usage examples:
I'm house-sitting for a friend of a friend
Meanings of Housesmith:
nounA person who makes or fits metalwork for the building trade (now chiefly historical).
Meanings of Housetop:
nounThe ridge or roof of a house.
Usage examples:
Across the housetops, i could see the masts of tall ships
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