All English words - page 2436
Meanings of Hints:
nounA slight or indirect indication or suggestion.
Usage examples:
He has given no hint of his views
verbSuggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly.
Usage examples:
The minister hinted at a possible change of heart
Meanings of Hip:
nounA projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human beings and quadrupeds.
Usage examples:
Not only was there damage to my hip, but my pelvis had been fractured as well.
adjectiveVery fashionable.
Usage examples:
It's hip to be environmentally conscious
exclamationUsed to introduce a communal cheer.
Usage examples:
Hip hip hooray!
Meanings of Hip-bath:
nounA small bath with a seat built into it, designed for sitting rather than lying in
Meanings of Hip-flask:
nounA small, flat bottle that is used to carry alcohol in your pocket
Meanings of Hipbone:
nounA large bone forming the main part of the pelvis on each side of the body and consisting of the fused ilium, ischium, and pubis.
Meanings of Hipbones:
nounA large bone forming the main part of the pelvis on each side of the body and consisting of the fused ilium, ischium, and pubis.
Meanings of Hipe:
nounEspecially in cumberland and westmorland wrestling: a manoeuvre in which a wrestler lifts an adversary with both arms, often placing a knee between the thighs to throw the opponent off balance, and then swings him or her to the ground.
verbOf cattle: to butt, push with the head or horns; to gore.
Meanings of Hiper:
nounEspecially in cumberland and westmorland wrestling: a person who uses a hipe. often with modifying word, as expert, good, etc.
Meanings of Hipflask:
nounA small flask for spirits, of a kind intended to be carried in a hip pocket.
Meanings of Hiphuggers:
plural nounHipsters.
Usage examples:
She was wearing tight blue jean hip-huggers, a white spaghetti strapped shirt, and a tight white fi…
nounTrousers that do not reach as high as the waist
Meanings of Hipless:
adjectiveLacking, or apparently lacking, hips; not having prominent hips; especially (of a person) having a boyishly slender figure.
Meanings of Hipline:
nounThe line of, or a line representing, the hip of a roof.
Meanings of Hipness:
nounThe quality of being fashionable or stylish
Usage examples:
The restaurant's hipness owes itself to the fact that it's a relaxed, casual place with a menu that…
Meanings of Hippalectryon:
nounA mythical creature with the head, shoulders, and forelegs of a horse and the wings, tail, and legs of a cockerel.
Meanings of Hipparch:
noun(the title of) the commander of a force of cavalry or a high-ranking magistrate in ancient greece.
Meanings of Hipparion:
nounAny of the small three-toed equids of the extinct genus hipparion, known from fossils found in miocene to pleistocene deposits. also (in form hipparion): the genus itself.
Meanings of Hipped:
adjectiveHaving hips of a specified kind.
Usage examples:
A thin-hipped girl
nounThe covering that forms the top of a building, ...
Meanings of Hippen:
nounA piece of absorbent material wrapped round a baby's bottom to absorb urine and faeces; a nappy.
Usage examples:
They were both out of their hippens by then
Meanings of Hipper:
nounA soft pad used to protect a person's hip when sleeping on the ground.
Usage examples:
Put that under you for a hipper, and you'll be all right
adjectiveVery fashionable.
Usage examples:
It's hip to be environmentally conscious
Comparative of hip informal
Meanings of Hippest:
adjectiveVery fashionable.
Usage examples:
It's hip to be environmentally conscious
nounA projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human beings and quadrupeds.
Usage examples:
Not only was there damage to my hip, but my pelvis had been fractured as well.
exclamationUsed to introduce a communal cheer.
Usage examples:
Hip hip hooray!
Superlative of hip informal
Meanings of Hippiatric:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or concerning the medical treatment of horses.
nounA person who writes about or carries out medical treatment of horses.
Meanings of Hippiatrics:
nounThe medical treatment of horses. in early use chiefly: †(the title of) a treatise or set of works dealing with this (obsolete).
Meanings of Hippiatrist:
nounA writer on or practitioner of hippiatry.
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