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Meanings of Alstonite:


A mineral consisting of a double carbonate of calcium and barium, typically occurring as strongly striated colourless or white pseudohexagonal pyramids.

Meanings of Alstroemeria:


A south american plant with showy flowers similar to those of the lily, cultivated as an ornamental.

Usage examples:

Some of the best and most widely adapted annual cut flowers with the longest vase life include alst…

Meanings of Alt:

combining form

Denoting a version of something, especially popular music, that is intended as a challenge to the traditional version.

Usage examples:

An alt-classical quartet

Short for alt key.

Meanings of Alt-right:


People with extreme conservative views, including extreme views about race, who reject ordinary politics and use the internet to spread their opinions. alt-right is an abbreviation for "alternative right"

Usage examples:

The alt-right rejects mainstream conservatism, believing that it under-represents the interests of …

Meanings of Altaian:


Of, belonging to, or designating the altai mountains of central asia, or the people who inhabit this region; = "altaic".


A person inhabiting the altai region; a member of an altaic group.

Meanings of Altaic:


Relating to the altai mountains.

Usage examples:

The difference in algal communities between the altaic and other glaciers is discussed together wit…

The altaic family of languages.

Usage examples:

Minorities in china speak more than 80 languages from five language families: sino-tibetan, altaic,…

Meanings of Altair:

proper noun

The brightest star in the constellation aquila.

Meanings of Altaite:


A rare mineral consisting of lead telluride, typically occurring in massive aggregates of yellow-tinted tin-white metallic crystals.

Meanings of Altaltissimo:


The very highest point.

Meanings of Altamira:

proper noun

The site of a cave with palaeolithic rock paintings, south of santander in northern spain, discovered in 1879.

Meanings of Altar:


The table in a christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.

Usage examples:

The huge jewelled tabernacle above the altar was executed by jacopo da trezzo

Meanings of Altarage:


The revenue arising from an altar in the form of oblations, offerings, etc.; the right to collect and retain this as income. also as a count noun (chiefly in plural): an income or revenue so derived.

Meanings of Altared:


Of, belonging, or relating to an altar.

Meanings of Altarist:


A person responsible for the altar and its furnishings, accessories, etc.; one who attends to an altar.

Meanings of Altarpiece:


A painting or other work of art designed to be set above and behind an altar.

Usage examples:

They also painted altarpieces and easel paintings for collectors, and developed genres such as land…

Meanings of Altarpieces:


A painting or other work of art designed to be set above and behind an altar.

Usage examples:

They also painted altarpieces and easel paintings for collectors, and developed genres such as land…

Meanings of Altars:


The table in a christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.

Usage examples:

The huge jewelled tabernacle above the altar was executed by jacopo da trezzo

Meanings of Altazimuth:


A telescope mounting that moves in azimuth (about a vertical axis) and in altitude (about a horizontal axis).

Usage examples:

The dobsonian design is the most popular type of altazimuth mounting used on astronomical telescopes.

Meanings of Alter:


Change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.

Usage examples:

Eliot was persuaded to alter the passage

Meanings of Alter-ego:


The part of someone's personality that is not usually seen by other people

Usage examples:

Superman is clark kent's alter ego.

Meanings of Alterability:


Ability to be altered; changeability.

Meanings of Alterable:


Possible to change

Usage examples:

Evidence suggests that about one-third of cancer deaths relate to nutrition, physical activity, and…

Meanings of Alterableness:


= alterability .

Meanings of Alterably:


In an alterable manner; so as to be alterable. rare in later use.

Meanings of Alterant:


That causes alteration or change.


Generally. anything which causes an alteration or change of state in something.

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