All English words - page 1916
nounSexual activity in which a partner's penis is sucked or licked; fellatio.
adjectiveRelating to or involving fellatio.
nounA woman who performs fellatio.
nounA woman who performs fellatio.
verbCut down (a tree).
Usage examples:
33 million trees are felled each day
nounAn amount of timber cut.
adjectiveOf terrible evil or ferocity; deadly.
Usage examples:
The fell disease that was threatening her sister
nounNon-standard spelling of fellow, used in representing speech in various dialects.
nounNon-standard spelling of fellow, used in representing speech in various dialects.
plural nounThe outer rim of a wheel, to which the spokes are fixed.
Usage examples:
On the walls hang all types of patterns, including well over a hundred for different sized wagon wh…
adjectiveFlowing with bile; (figurative) bitter, rancorous.
verbCut down (a tree).
Usage examples:
33 million trees are felled each day
nounAn amount of timber cut.
adjectiveOf terrible evil or ferocity; deadly.
Usage examples:
The fell disease that was threatening her sister
nounA dealer in hides or skins, particularly sheepskins.
Usage examples:
This gateway was used by a fellmonger for drying wool
verbRemove (wool) from a sheepskin.
Usage examples:
1,100 bales of wool have been fellmongered on the premises
verbRemove (wool) from a sheepskin.
Usage examples:
1,100 bales of wool have been fellmongered on the premises
nounA dealer in hides or skins, particularly sheepskins.
Usage examples:
This gateway was used by a fellmonger for drying wool
verbRemove (wool) from a sheepskin.
Usage examples:
1,100 bales of wool have been fellmongered on the premises
nounA dealer in hides or skins, particularly sheepskins.
Usage examples:
This gateway was used by a fellmonger for drying wool
nounThe preparation of animal skins for leather-making.
Usage examples:
The firm has a long-standing tradition of fellmongery
nounWith reference to a person or animal, their actions or attributes: fierceness, harshness, savagery; cruelty; malignity; an instance of this. in early use also: †sternness, severity (obsolete).
nounThe outer rim of a wheel, to which the spokes are fixed.
plural nounThe outer rim of a wheel, to which the spokes are fixed.
Usage examples:
On the walls hang all types of patterns, including well over a hundred for different sized wagon wh…
nounA man or boy.
Usage examples:
He was an extremely obliging fellow
adjectiveSharing a particular activity, quality, or condition with someone or something.
Usage examples:
They urged the troops not to fire on their fellow citizens
nounAn understanding or sympathy that you feel for another person because you have a shared experience
Usage examples:
There was a fellow feeling between everyone who had lived through the war.
nounA female fellow.
adjectiveHaving no companions; alone, solitary; friendless.
adjectiveCharacteristic of or befitting a fellow, companion, friend, or peer; relating to fellowship, companionship, or friendship.
nounA man or boy.
Usage examples:
He was an extremely obliging fellow
adjectiveSharing a particular activity, quality, or condition with someone or something.
Usage examples:
They urged the troops not to fire on their fellow citizens
nounFriendly association, especially with people who share one's interests.
Usage examples:
They valued fun and good fellowship as the cement of the community
nounThe action of "fellowship"; especially the action of entering into fellowship with someone; prayerful or spiritual communion with a fellow christian or christians.
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