All English words - page 187
Meanings of Alisma:
nounIn early use: any of several plants used medicinally. in later use (specifically): any of various plants which constitute, or were formerly included in, the genus alisma (family alismataceae) of aquatic and marshland plants, widespread across north temperate regions; especially water plantain, a. plantago-aquatica, with broad leaves and loose clusters of small white three-petalled flowers, common in ponds and ditches.
Meanings of Alismaceous:
adjectiveCharacteristic of or belonging to the former family alismaceae (now alismataceae), comprising monocotyledonous aquatic and marshland plants found chiefly in north temperate regions, of which alisma is the type genus.
Meanings of Alismad:
nounOriginally: †(j. lindleys's name for) a plant of the former family alismaceae (now alismataceae), comprising various aquatic and marshland monocotyledonous plants (obsolete). in later use (more widely): any plant of the order alismatales. compare alismaceous , alisma .
Meanings of Alisphenoid:
nounA winglike cartilaginous bone within a mammal's skull, forming part of the socket of the eye.
Usage examples:
The outer wall of the braincase becomes the alisphenoid and the dermal skull bones.
Meanings of Alitrunk:
nounThe mesosoma of a hymenopterous insect, especially an ant, consisting of the thorax and the propodeum fused together.
Meanings of Aliturgical:
adjectiveWithout liturgy, specifically designating a day on which the liturgy is not celebrated.
Meanings of Alive:
adjective(of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead.
Usage examples:
Hopes of finding anyone still alive were fading
Meanings of Alive-and-kicking:
phrasePrevalent and very active.
Usage examples:
Bigotry is still alive and kicking
idiomTo continue to live or exist and be full of energy
Usage examples:
She said she'd seen him last week and he was alive and kicking., despite rumours to the contrary, f…
Meanings of Alive-and-well:
idiomStill full of energy and activity
Usage examples:
Traditional jazz is still alive and well in chicago.
Meanings of Alive-to:
idiomIf you are alive to something, you are thinking about it or familiar with it
Usage examples:
I ski for the excitement, but i'm also always alive to the risks.
Meanings of Aliyah:
nounImmigration to israel.
Usage examples:
Students making aliyah
Meanings of Aliyahaliyahs:
nounImmigration to israel.
Usage examples:
Students making aliyah
Meanings of Aliyoth:
nounImmigration to israel.
Usage examples:
Students making aliyah
Meanings of Alizarate:
nounA salt in which alizarin acts as the anion.
Meanings of Alizari:
nounThe root of the either of two plants of the genus rubia used to produce the red dye madder, wild madder, r. peregrina, and common madder, r. tinctoria.
Meanings of Alizarin:
nounA red pigment present in madder root, used in dyeing.
Usage examples:
Indigo is now derived from naphthalene, and anthracene yields alizarin, the dye formerly obtained f…
Meanings of Alkahest:
nounThe hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists.
Usage examples:
The philosopher's stone, the alcahest and the elixir were names of one and the same thing, and were…
Meanings of Alkahestic:
adjectiveOf the nature of the alkahest; all-dissolving.
Meanings of Alkalemia:
nounA condition in which the blood has a higher ph than normal. compare acidaemia , "alkalosis".
Meanings of Alkalescence:
noun(slight) alkalinity; tendency to become alkaline.
Meanings of Alkalescent:
adjectiveTending to become alkaline; incipiently or slightly alkaline; promoting alkalinity.
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