All English words - page 1751
nounA flag or standard, especially a military or naval one indicating nationality.
Usage examples:
The blue ensign is not the ensign of the royal naval reserve as such, as is sometimes stated.
verbAnother term for silage.
verbAnother term for ensile.
verbAnother term for ensile.
verbAnother term for ensile.
verbPut (grass or another crop) into a silo or silage clamp in order to preserve it as silage.
Usage examples:
The grass was ensiled with sugar beet plus an inoculant
verbPut (grass or another crop) into a silo or silage clamp in order to preserve it as silage.
Usage examples:
The grass was ensiled with sugar beet plus an inoculant
verbPut (grass or another crop) into a silo or silage clamp in order to preserve it as silage.
Usage examples:
The grass was ensiled with sugar beet plus an inoculant
verbPut (grass or another crop) into a silo or silage clamp in order to preserve it as silage.
Usage examples:
The grass was ensiled with sugar beet plus an inoculant
verbMake (someone) a slave.
Usage examples:
The practice of enslaving prisoners of war eventually died out
verbMake (someone) a slave.
Usage examples:
The practice of enslaving prisoners of war eventually died out
nounThe action of making someone a slave; subjugation.
Usage examples:
The enslavement of millions of africans
nounThe action of making someone a slave; subjugation.
Usage examples:
The enslavement of millions of africans
verbMake (someone) a slave.
Usage examples:
The practice of enslaving prisoners of war eventually died out
verbMake (someone) a slave.
Usage examples:
The practice of enslaving prisoners of war eventually died out
verbCatch in or as in a trap.
Usage examples:
They were ensnared in city centre traffic
verbCatch in or as in a trap.
Usage examples:
They were ensnared in city centre traffic
verbCatch in or as in a trap.
Usage examples:
They were ensnared in city centre traffic
verbCatch in or as in a trap.
Usage examples:
They were ensnared in city centre traffic
verbCause to become caught up in complex difficulties or problems.
Usage examples:
The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to e…
verbCause to become caught up in complex difficulties or problems.
Usage examples:
The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to e…
verbCause to become caught up in complex difficulties or problems.
Usage examples:
The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to e…
verbCause to become caught up in complex difficulties or problems.
Usage examples:
The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to e…
verbEnchant; fascinate.
Usage examples:
He was a child when the power of a mythic image first ensorcelled him
verbEnchant; fascinate.
Usage examples:
He was a child when the power of a mythic image first ensorcelled him
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