All English words - page 1730
Meanings of Endearingly:
adverbIn a manner that inspires affection.
Usage examples:
He was admired by 'his boys', as he endearingly called them
Meanings of Endearment:
nounA word or phrase expressing love or affection.
Usage examples:
She was whispering endearments and repeatedly kissing him
Meanings of Endearments:
nounA word or phrase expressing love or affection.
Usage examples:
She was whispering endearments and repeatedly kissing him
Meanings of Endears:
verbCause to be loved or liked.
Usage examples:
Flora's spirit and character endeared her to everyone who met her
phrasal verbTo cause someone to be liked by another person
Usage examples:
His fiery temper did not endear him to his coworkers.
Meanings of Endeavor:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Endeavored:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Endeavoring:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Endeavors:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Endeavour:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Endeavoured:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Endeavouring:
verbTry hard to do or achieve something.
Usage examples:
He is endeavouring to help the third world
nounAn attempt to achieve a goal.
Usage examples:
An endeavour to reduce serious injury
Meanings of Ended:
verbCome or bring to a final point; finish.
Usage examples:
When the war ended, policy changed
nounA final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story.
Usage examples:
The end of the year
Meanings of Endemic:
adjective(of a disease) regularly occurring within an area or community.
Usage examples:
Areas where malaria is endemic
noun(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
Usage examples:
Complacency is endemic in industry today
Meanings of Endemically:
adverbIn a way that is endemic (= regularly found and very common among a particular group or in a particular area)
Usage examples:
She suggests the country's government is endemically corrupt.
Meanings of Endemics:
nounAn endemic plant or animal.
Usage examples:
There are three types of island endemics
adjective(of a disease) regularly occurring within an area or community.
Usage examples:
Areas where malaria is endemic
Meanings of Endemism:
nounThe degree to which the plants and animals of a particular area are both native and restricted to it.
Usage examples:
Extreme endemism makes them exceptionally vulnerable to changes in their habitat
Meanings of Endenize:
verbMake (a foreigner) a citizen of a particular place; naturalize.
Usage examples:
Andrew alvarez noguera was endenizened in england in 1679.
Meanings of Endenizen:
verbMake (a foreigner) a citizen of a particular place; naturalize.
Usage examples:
Andrew alvarez noguera was endenizened in england in 1679.
Meanings of Endergonic:
adjective(of a metabolic or chemical process) accompanied by or requiring the absorption of energy, the products being of greater free energy than the reactants.
Usage examples:
Energy production in the various cell compartments and energy consumption in endergonic processes h…
Meanings of Endgame:
nounThe final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when few pieces or cards remain.
Usage examples:
The game was adjourned after 41 moves in a rook and pawn endgame
Meanings of Endgate:
nounA tailboard.
Usage examples:
Shortly, the silence was broken by the whine of motors, as the endgate of the shuttle swung open, f…
Meanings of Ending:
nounAn end or final part of something.
Usage examples:
The ending of the cold war
verbCome or bring to a final point; finish.
Usage examples:
When the war ended, policy changed
Meanings of Endings:
nounAn end or final part of something.
Usage examples:
The ending of the cold war
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