All English words - page 1644
Meanings of Earthling:
noun(in science fiction) a word used by aliens to refer to an inhabitant of the earth.
Usage examples:
This was perfectly normal earthling behaviour
Meanings of Earthlings:
noun(in science fiction) a word used by aliens to refer to an inhabitant of the earth.
Usage examples:
This was perfectly normal earthling behaviour
Meanings of Earthly:
adjectiveRelating to the earth or human life.
Usage examples:
Water is liquid at normal earthly temperatures
Meanings of Earthman:
nounA person (especially a man) who is a native or inhabitant of the planet earth.
Meanings of Earthmen:
nounA person (especially a man) who is a native or inhabitant of the planet earth.
Meanings of Earthmover:
nounA vehicle or machine designed to excavate large quantities of soil.
Meanings of Earthnut:
nounA eurasian plant of the parsley family, which has an edible roundish tuber and is found in woodland and acid pasture.
Meanings of Earthnuts:
nounA eurasian plant of the parsley family, which has an edible roundish tuber and is found in woodland and acid pasture.
Meanings of Earthquake:
nounA sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
Usage examples:
When it came to measuring these big earthquakes, the richter scale fell short.
Meanings of Earthquakes:
nounA sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
Usage examples:
When it came to measuring these big earthquakes, the richter scale fell short.
Meanings of Earthquaking:
nounAn earthquake; the occurrence of earthquakes, earthquake activity.
adjectiveThat causes the earth to shake.
Meanings of Earthrise:
nounSunset, as resulting from the daily rotation of the earth.
Meanings of Earths:
nounThe planet on which we live; the world.
Usage examples:
The diversity of life on earth
verbThe substance of the land surface; soil.
Usage examples:
A layer of earth
Meanings of Earthshaking:
adjective(in hyperbolic use) very important, shocking, or traumatic.
Usage examples:
Tell me this earth-shattering news of yours
Meanings of Earthshakingly:
adverbIn a way that is extremely important or very surprising
Usage examples:
The new album is not earthshakingly original., i didn't really learn anything earthshakingly new on…
Meanings of Earthshattering:
adjective(in hyperbolic use) very important, shocking, or traumatic.
Usage examples:
Tell me this earth-shattering news of yours
Meanings of Earthshine:
nounThe glow caused by sunlight reflected by the earth on the darker portion of a crescent moon.
Usage examples:
Traditional folklore refers to this as the ‘old moon in the new moon's arms ’, a phenomenon created…
Meanings of Earthstar:
nounA brownish woodland fungus with a spherical spore-containing fruiting body surrounded by a fleshy star-shaped structure, found in both eurasia and north america.
Meanings of Earthward:
adverbTowards the ground or the earth.
Usage examples:
We can watch the parachute as it drifts earthward
adjectiveDirected or going towards the ground or the earth.
Usage examples:
The bird's earthward plummet
Meanings of Earthwards:
adverbTowards the ground or the earth.
Usage examples:
We can watch the parachute as it drifts earthward
adjectiveDirected or going towards the ground or the earth.
Usage examples:
The bird's earthward plummet
Meanings of Earthwork:
nounA large artificial bank of soil, especially one used as a fortification.
Usage examples:
Bronze age earthworks
Meanings of Earthworks:
nounA large artificial bank of soil, especially one used as a fortification.
Usage examples:
Bronze age earthworks
Meanings of Earthworm:
nounA burrowing annelid worm that lives in the soil, important in aerating and draining the soil and in burying organic matter.
Usage examples:
Centipedes are predatory, feeding on soil invertebrates such as earthworms and terrestrial insects.
ˈɜːθ.wɜːmMeanings of Earthworms:
nounA burrowing annelid worm that lives in the soil, important in aerating and draining the soil and in burying organic matter.
Usage examples:
Centipedes are predatory, feeding on soil invertebrates such as earthworms and terrestrial insects.
Meanings of Earthy:
adjectiveResembling or suggestive of earth or soil.
Usage examples:
An earthy smell
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