All English words - page 1506
nounThe action of making new or secret information known.
Usage examples:
A judge ordered the disclosure of the documents
nounExclusion; an instance of this.
nounA club or party at which people dance to recorded pop music.
Usage examples:
On friday evenings, he often attended a disco with school friends
verbAttend or dance at a disco.
Usage examples:
She filled every hour of the day playing tennis, or discoing with friends
adjectiveInvolving or undergoing discoidal cleavage; relating to or characterized by a discoblastula.
nounThe disc-shaped blastula or blastoderm formed after discoidal cleavage in a meroblastic ovum.
nounA discus-thrower in ancient greece.
Usage examples:
Born in boeotia, he was active in athens, and so is accounted an athenian sculptor. of his works, t…
nounA discus-thrower in ancient greece.
Usage examples:
Born in boeotia, he was active in athens, and so is accounted an athenian sculptor. of his works, t…
nounA disc-like fruiting body of fungi of the (former) order or class discomycetes and hence also of lichens having a fungal component from this group.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or having a discocarp.
nounA gastrula formed from a discoblastula by involution of the margins.
adjectiveOf or relating to a group of relatively primitive anuran amphibians (frogs and toads) having ribs in the adult and a rounded non-protrusible tongue; especially of the family discoglossidae.
nounAn amphibian of this group.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characteristic of a group of relatively primitive anuran amphibians (frogs and toads) including the discoglossids, sometimes classified as a superfamily discoglossoidea.
nounAn amphibian of this group.
adjectiveOf or relating to phonograph records or recording; specifically = discographical .
adjectiveOf or relating to discography or a discography.
nounA descriptive catalogue of musical recordings, particularly those of a particular performer or composer.
Usage examples:
The factual reliability is commendable—he clearly had a good discography to hand
nounA descriptive catalogue of musical recordings, particularly those of a particular performer or composer.
Usage examples:
The factual reliability is commendable—he clearly had a good discography to hand
adjectiveLacking coherence, disjointed; incongruous.
noun(in sponges) a hexaster with the rays ending in discs.
adjectiveShaped like a disc.
Usage examples:
Heads on discoid plants have an extra whorl of disc florets instead of ray florets.
nounA thing that is shaped like a disc, particularly a type of ancient stone tool.
Usage examples:
Eighty-nine were flaked-stone tools; the ninetieth was a carefully shaped discoid, perhaps a mano o…
nounThe smallest basic unit of a plant ...
nounA thing that is shaped like a disc, particularly a type of ancient stone tool.
Usage examples:
Eighty-nine were flaked-stone tools; the ninetieth was a carefully shaped discoid, perhaps a mano o…
adjectiveShaped like a disc.
Usage examples:
Heads on discoid plants have an extra whorl of disc florets instead of ray florets.
nounAny coccolith with a more or less discoid shape, often with a thickened or elevated rim surrounding a central area which may be perforated.
verbChange or cause to change to a different, less attractive colour.
Usage examples:
Do not over-knead the dough or it will discolour
verbDiscolour, 2.
verbDiscolour, 2.
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